#its her its barriss you fixed it





I want Lucasfilm to have Barriss show up in the Ahsoka series with the condition that they have to weave into the storylines this conversation

Ahsoka: oh gee golly its barriss! *shocked*

Barriss:Yeah I’m so glad that they finally got the second mind-controlling-geonosian-brain-worm-thing out when I showed up at a RHC (Rebel Health Centre) and it was a SITH mind-controlling-geonosian-brain-worm-thing and thats why I blew up the temple but they got it out now and i’m still as religious and modest and gorgeously stunning as ever.

Ahsoka: i’m happy too and the same thing happened to a bunch of people who WEREN’T Muslim-coded so that everyone knows it was just a sad fucking coincidence and sith brain worms yeah ur a legend.

Ahsoka: btw luminara mourned for you and got to have emotions.

Ahsoka: also yeah now lets do something kickass and have an episode/another series where you’re in the lead and don’t fucking take anyone’s shit and actively fight opression and don’t have a random scene where you take your hijab off <3

and they lived happily ever after.
