#its just that her creation





What the Fuck? Oh shit, now I need to see him in the show, or alternative read the comics where it happened, because what the hell? Having a child is the kind of thing you tell the people who share your body

tbf this was the Bemis run which is kinda infamous for turning Jake into a horrible person for literally 0 reason he is a certified Sweetheart in actual canon Bemis just wanted to be edgy. The Actual Comics Jake Lockley Would Never.

The very, VERY interesting thing is that the timeline in the comics does not work! I mean, even ignoring the fact that the immediate previous run was Lemire’s where Jake at some point THOUGHT that Marc was going to make all the Alters disappear and thus one would THINK he’d spare a thought for his daughter (that, fine, ok, didn’t exist then but still) before biting it, no?

But even then, if Diatrice is 5? That means that Marlene had her either at the beginning of the Bendis run when JAke wasn’t even ACTIVE as an Alter because MArc was running around with Captain America, Spiderman and Wolverine in his head, and in LA, not in NY, or right after Shadowlands when, uhm, Jake was fronting and Marlene ASKED JAKE to marry him. Because she was pregnant and she told them all (Marc was not in a good mental place, hence why Jake and Steven fronted most of the time, but he was included in the announcement) and Marlene losing THAT baby was what caused Marc to slide into the Bendis run. And they certainly couldn’t have a second time to try after the Bendis run -where, again, Jake wasn’t even present in the cranium- because the next one is the Ellis run where again, we have no Jake.

And if Bemis hadn’t been so focused on demonizing Jake? He had the perfect exit possible: Yes, Diatrice is Jake’s baby, and she was conceived at some nebulous point between the Shadowlands ending before Jake clocked out and the Bendis run’s start, and MARLENE didn’t tell him, not until after the Lemire run, right before Sun King’s appeareance, because of how unstable Marc was in the last few years, and Jake still was wondering how the hell to break the news to the others when Sun King came and rushed things.

There, Fixed it. With just 15 minutes of making mental math with the comic timeline.
