#its like a color too



As an autistic woman who is photosensitive (sensitive to light) it is really painful to look at stuff for “Red Instead”. Red is such a bright color and when i look at it, it honestly causes me physical pain. Pastel reds I can do or dark reds but everyone seems to want to use neon red which honestly can be very painful to look at for some autistic people such as myself. I mean it seriously feels like someone is stabbing my eyeballs when i see something that bright. Some autistics may like those bright colors but not everyone does and some of us experience pain when looking at it. Seeing shades of red that aren’t neon would honestly be very nice. Or hell we could take back the blue spectrum of colors from those assholes at Autism Speaks. Or even use an array of colors.

I’m not saying you can’t enjoy neon red, I’m just saying that I personally find it literally painful to look at so please be understanding if someone can’t look at you if you’re wearing a bright shirt or wants to use a different shade for “Red Instead”. I just never see this addressed by anyone.

One thing you’ll notice about my stim blog is it is a lot of dark colors and pastel colors with few exceptions. This is also why some pride flags literally hurt my eyes so I find alternatives that are dimmer or darker in color.

Thank you for reading. We gotta stick together guys.
