#its my birthday in about 10 minutes my time


What Else is Family For? - Banter update

Summary: The companions comment on Ellana’s choice of romantic partner.

Cassandra: Inquisitor, you and Solas… you have become close.

Ellana: I suppose we have. …Is that a problem?

Cassandra: Oh! No! I know that being the Inquisitor has not been easy. I am glad that you have found someone to share your burdens with.

Ellana: Thank you. I am too. 


Varric: So Violet, I was passing by the rotunda last night and I saw the most interesting thing. Chuckles laughing . Teeth and everything. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? 

          [if Solas is in the party]

          Solas: I am perfectly capable of gaiety, Master Tethras. I simply see no need to perform it to other people’s satisfaction.          

          Varric: No shit. Never would have guessed. That constant scowl of yours just screams happiness. It’s practically infectious. 

          Varric: So what was it that got our cheery friend here to crack? 

Ellana: Uh, well. [laughs nervously] It wasn’t anything particularly interesting.

Varric: Sure, sure. That blush is just because of the heat. 

Ellana: I just told him a story. Stupid stuff from when I was younger. It’s really not that interesting. 

Varric: [chuckles] If you say so, Violet.


Blackwall: Solas, you and the Lady Inquisitor have been spending quite a lot of time together.

Solas: She is an intelligent woman with a curious mind. It benefits us both to combine our efforts in researching solutions for our current predicament.

Blackwall: Ah yes, that’s what I saw the two of you doing in the library. Research. A question, then, if you will.

Solas: I am going to regret this, aren’t I?

Blackwall: Nonsense. I was simply wondering what mysteries of the Fade you had discovered at the back of the Inquisitor’s throat. You seemed to be trying very hard to get there.

Ellana: [coughs] 

Solas: That is none of your concern.

Blackwall: I thought you liked questions about the Fade, Solas! Can’t a man be curious? If I’d have known you could learn about magic like that I might’ve listened harder.

Ellana: If anyone needs me, I’ll be looking for a lake to jump into. 


The Iron Bull: So Boss, you and Solas, huh?

Ellana: Sera already beat you to the obvious jokes. And some of the not obvious ones. 

The Iron Bull: Who said anything about making jokes? I’m happy for you two.

The Iron Bull: Though, I have to wonder: why Solas? You could have had your pick of anyone. Why bald and broody?

Ellana: I hadn’t realized the Qun was so interested in my romantic inclinations. 

The Iron Bull: Oh yeah. Who you want to fuck says a lot about a person. 

The Iron Bull: See, you need someone to help lighten the load, make Inquisiting a little easier in the off hours. But sex doesn’t do it for you normally, so you can’t just have a fuck buddy. 

The Iron Bull: You pick someone like Solas - shows you want a challenge. You’ve got no interest in being pandered to. You’re smart, aren’t looking to be impressed by appearances, and stubborn enough to put up with his bullshit. 

Ellana: And the bit the Qun really cares about?

The Iron Bull: You think you can fix everything and beat yourself up about shit you’ve got no control over. Not that I didn’t read that from day one, but sharing a bedroll with that guy says something about just how deep that runs. You might want to talk to someone about that actually. 

Ellana: And here I thought Varric was the one to watch when it comes to telling the world about my psyche. Who needs his books when you’ve got a Ben-Hassrath? 

Ellana: Whoever’s reading your letters must be getting all the juicy gossip. Probably knows the color of my favorite underclothes too. 

The Iron Bull: Black. Classy. Sexy without being showy. 

The Iron Bull: But don’t worry, they’re on a need-to-know basis. The details aren’t as important as the big picture. No reason for the Arishok to know the Inquisitor likes having handles. That’s just between you and me.

Ellana: [groans]

The Iron Bull: [laughs]


Cole: Free, falling, feeling again and feeling for the first time. Frightened of what it all means for before and for now, frightened he doesn’t feel the same way.

Ellana: Cole, you don’t need to do this. 

Cole: Things come easier to him in the Fade. Shows himself in more memories and moments.

Cole: But he smiles louder, now. His pain is quieter, calmed with a quick smile. 

Cole: He likes being with you too.


Ellana: Alright, spit it out.

Dorian: Whatever do you mean?

Ellana: Because you’re saying nothing about how my hair is flying around my face for absolutely no reason. You do know you make the air staticy when you’re trying not to say something, right? You really should work on that.

Dorian: You Southerns make everything so much more difficult than it needs to be. Come to Minrathous one of these days, you’d hardly notice it. I could keep a secret for months, and you’d never know.

Ellana: Dorian.

Dorian: Fine, but don’t say I didn’t try. 

Dorian: Solas? Really? All the eligible men and women of Thedas would fall to your feet for the chance to kiss your pinkie finger, some of the ineligible ones too, and you pick the unwashed apostate?

Ellana: You’re just not my type, Dorian, what can I say.

Dorian: I knew you were too good to be true. Brilliant, charming, talented, good heart. I just knew you had to have some great flaw. But to think it was this? Poor taste? We’re doomed. I should just hand myself over to the Venatori and be done with it all.

Ellana: [laughs] You’ll survive, I promise. 

Dorian: I’m not so sure of that.


Vivienne: There have been whispers that you have taken a paramour, my dear. In Skyhold and beyond. I do hope you are prepared to manage the consequences.

Ellana: I can handle some gossip, Vivienne. I’ve been doing that since the moment I stepped out of the Fade. But I’m not about to let what some noble in Orlais thinks stop me from spending my time with who I want. 

Vivienne: If you are happy, then I am happy for you. It is rare enough to find someone you can confide in in this world, let alone when you carry the responsibility you do. 

Vivienne: But love is a powerful thing, darling. Take care that you do not find it used against you.
