#its not difficult


Okay but as a white immigrant in a very white country with a lot of white privilege I have the honour of hearing people telling me about how ‘all the immigrants are the ruining the country coming over here and taking our jobs’ and then turning to them and saying 'I’m an immigrant, am I ruining the country to?’ and then watching them try to crawl their way out of this hole theyve dug themselves into gasping for words and looking around for help



I know this is normally the first time I am actually kind of mad at this kind of shit. But I just had to let it out for now


Listen. About the NSFW requests people request in other writers inboxes such as @ensemblestarscafe receiving 2 NSFW requests from one or two anons. Normally we assumed that it was a troller. Now trollers who do this kind of shit let me say this. People aren’t going to think this is funny because they have things they are for sure uncomfortable with. And it sickens me to see people think this kind of shit is funny without even knowing the person itself. Anons who dont read the writers rules. I would suggest reading the rules NOW, because we writers are not going to be writing everything you want, because we have FEELINGS and we are HUMANS. Not to mention we have our RIGHTS to deny the request. I am pretty sure the other people who have spoken themselves said this many times. I assure you we will NOT repeat it once more. Once again, ONE LAST TIME. We writers are HUMANS. Not robots. Nothing that is inhuman. We are humans, that means we have our own feelings and thoughts. Keep in mind the people who have their own blog. It is their OWN blog not yours. I would prefer not to treat them like they serve you. I just wanted to spill this out because I am tired and angry of this kind of shit that people think its so funny but no it isnt because people have their own things that they are comfortable with and not comfortable with. 

Thank you for listening.

- Akari ~ <3
