#its so nice to live near parks and nature







Hey Sunflowerkru !

It’s tuesday and since i’m sick (a bad cold but nothing serious don’t worry ) i can’t quite put there coherent thoughts together. So my message will be short.

Enjoy this clip from a Manu Chao concert l went to see with 3 friends last week. He said “We’re alive” several times and his music was full of joy. It felt good…

Tagging/sending love to : @pendragaryen@natassakar@geekyogicheese@kateemcintyre@igotbellarkeforthat@roguetwelve@ninappon@isweartobreathe@carrieeve@bookwormforalways@moreflowersthanweeds@jeanie205@kizo2703@immortalpramheda@bellamyblake@infp-with-all-the-feelings@brightblakesand@julibernardo

Happy bfsn!

Thanks for the tag Stef :) nasty colds are the worst, so I hope you feel better soon I’m glad you were able to go to that show before you fell ill, so you could soak up that positive energy. I really love those kinds of vibes you get from going to a really good concert!

It’s the middle of June already, how did that happen? I can’t believe how fast time passes when you’re an adult. I spent another weekend in the countryside, pulling weeds. Hopefully we’ll get some flowers planted soon, because the flowerbeds looks way too barren. Dad and I took a lil detour on our way there and got to view these sights:

Sending positive energy to you all @togetherkru,@carrieeve,@roguetwelve,@natassakar,@pendragaryen,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@igotbellarkeforthat,@heartbellamy,@heartbellamy,@moreflowersthanweeds.

Dear sunflowerkru! Happy Tuesday!

Tonight, I have for you a handful of pics from my Saturday trip to Poznań, mostly from the Archeological Museum, which are only slightly illegally taken ;-)

I wish I could’ve taken more photos of the city because it’s quite nice looking, especially in the summer, but alas, it’s being dug up and repaved at the moment, so all you can see are holes in the ground

But the trip was a massive success, my friend and I had so much fun, that I can forgive a little inconvenience.

@togetherkru colds suck, so I hope you feel better soon! ❤️

@ninappon I feel you, I have no clue where did the time go either. I certainly can’t remember any of the days so far ;-D


You all have such lovely pictures from interesting trips, but alas, I have nothing but more flowers. A close-up of my white peonies - probably my favorite perennial because I’m intrigued by how it starts so small every year and gets so big — plus some beautiful orange dahlias that my husband planted in our side garden. That’s not quite reached its full glory, so pictures of it in its entirety will have to wait for a bit. But my dogwood tree is almost ready for pictures. Maybe next week.

We haven’t done much so far this summer, and I’ve mostly bern sitting around writing fic. I’m a really slow writer, so getting 5-6k in good enough shape to post every Monday has taken up most of my free time. But my whole family is off to Maine the end of July, by which time the fic will be done, god willing!

But honestly, I don’t want to anticipate our vacation too eagerly because the summer goes by fast enough without me wishing the weeks away.

I hope you’re all doing well. I poached @carrieeve ‘s tags, so I hope she doesn’t mind. Happy BFSN to everyone!

Tagging@pendragaryen@roguetwelve@jeanie205@natassakar@kateemcintyre @igotbellarkeforthat @bookwormforalways @kizo2703 @infp-with-all-the-feelings @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @travllingbunny@carrieeve@ninappon@togetherkru

Happy almost official summer Sunflowerkru!

A week off has meant going on a lot of walks with Charlie. We’ve stuck around my neighbourhood lately because honestly I don’t feel like driving and gas prices are insane. But that’s okay because there are a ton of walking paths in the immediate area. If there’s one thing that I actually like about the city that I live in, it’s that it really respects green space. You’re never more than a 5 minute walk from some kind of park. Once you actually get into the ravine right by my house, all of the sounds of the city are cut off and you’re just in nature and that’s what I need.

Bonus photo because I just think it’s funny— it’s rained a ton since last night. I was trying to take a picture of how badly the retaining pond had flooded (the water should literally be on the other side of those cattails). There was a duck swimming in the middle of the footpath! And of course right as I tried to take a picture Charlie scared it away

Thank you for the tags @togetherkru@ninappon@carrieeveand@jeanie205! Stef, I’m so sorry that you’re sick. But I’m glad that you got to live a little and enjoy a live concert! Here’s to a speedy recovery . Nina I love those gorgeous and peaceful views . Karolina I’m glad that you enjoyed your trip. And taking slightly-illegal photos is half the fun in museums isn’t it? Jeanie, gorgeous flowers. I know what you mean about peonies. I can’t wait for them to start blooming here

Tagging/sending love to @natassakar@igotbellarkeforthat@bookwormforalways@writetheniteaway@bellamyblake@pendragaryen@heartbellamy
