#its the end of the world as we know it



spotify users!!! tell me the fourth song in your second daily mix playlist… mine is bbyong by saturday hehehe


If you haven’t already voted, please do so.

All I can say about the presidential election we have descended into complete fascism and while Biden certainly wasn’t my 1st or even 15th choice, I do believe he will let DR Fauci talk and listen to him and the CDC.  Trump’s not going to do a damned thing but let millions of people die and Stephen Miller is planning mass round ups of undocumented people.  So yeah.

You can find your polling place and view a sample ballot here/

Also if you voted absentee, track your ballot and make sure it was received.

ALSO please don’t ignore the down ballot races.  They are really important.

“There it is Son, the end.. And it’s on a wednesday”“The end is a broccoli“There it is Son, the end.. And it’s on a wednesday”“The end is a broccoli

“There it is Son, the end.. And it’s on a wednesday”
“The end is a broccoli with orbital rings?”
“Son if you’re just gonna stand here and one up me, you can go do something else”

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