#it’s why i’m sympathetic to p03 despite… everything


I like to imagine the Employee 432 - Stanley dynamic as being the Kaycee Hobbes - Luke Carder dynamic, except you take the one encounter Kaycee and Luke had at that card game convention and expand it out to 8.8 years of working almost next door to each other

The only way I can explain it is with these tags of mine from when I first learned of the new “Kaycee and Luke met before she died” lore:

Tags on a tumblr post reading: "something something two souls whose futures are entwined such that one's story picks up where the other's ends / and the inaction of one will cause the second to suffer their same unfortunate faye / crossing paths after those dominos have begun falling but before either of them knows it"ALT

[image description in alt text]
