#ivar x reader


A/N: Hello! I’m really sorry for not posting these weeks everything is like too much lately and I couldn’t find time to sit down and post anything, I’m truly sorry, please forgive me (there is something else coming this week too). I hope you like it anyway, thanks for reading and enjoy!❤️

Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, addiction and depression, mentions of death, loss, mourning… 

Words: 5475


Read on AO3

Part 4: exile

Only a few days after Ivar left, someone knocked at your door.

Your door, or the door of someone who probably fled from Kattegat and abandoned their house. It was a good house, far from the Hall, not too big, with a comfortable bed and some furs. You had used some of the money you still had to buy enough food to survive for a few weeks. After that, you would just improvise.

You already know who was knocking before you opened the door. You had been expecting Björn for days, after they celebrated a trial against the soldiers loyal to Ivar that stayed in Kattegat. You kind of expected the same treatment, but they left you alone, and you didn’t notice anything except some whispers and stares. A woman in the market spat at your feet when you walked past her, but you didn’t really pay attention to her. You had bigger problems than the hatred of an older woman.

“Hello, Y/N” he nodded with a sympathetic expression on his face “I hope I’m not disturbing you”

You pressed your lips together, but shrugged and stared at him, hoping he’d just talk and leave.

“I was glad to see you decided to stay” he smiled forcefully. You bit your tongue to avoid telling him that he knew very well that you hadn’t had a choice.

“What do you want?” you sighed.

Björn raised an eyebrow in surprise, and his lips curved on an amused smile.

“Just wanted to check on you, Y/N” he shrugged “Can I enter?”

You nearly refused, but something in his expression told you that he wouldn’t give up anytime soon. Stepping aside, you let him enter your small house and looked back at you with an impressed look.

It wasn’t much, definitely nothing compared to the big chambers you had had in the Great Hall, when you were still queen, but you preferred that to sleep under the same roof as them.

“I wanted to ask you” he sat on one of the wooden chairs you had placed in front of the fireplace, ignoring your irritated stare. You walked to the fire, where you cooked a soup with some vegetables for supper. You weren’t going to invite him, though “Your plans for now on, now that Ivar has fled”

“My plans?” you clenched your jaw “Survive this winter, and then get on a boat and leave”

“You know you are welcome to stay” he said softly with a sympathetic smile. You hated the condescendence with which he always referred to you “You’re not to blame for Ivar’s atrocities”

No, but you still didn’t allow me to leave.  

“I could have stopped him” you shrugged, maybe trying to get under his skin. The battle for Kattegat had lasted days, and Ivar had repelled Björn and Harald’s forces easily, which you knew wouldn’t have had a chance without Freydis’ betrayal. Björn might have been a good leader, but Ivar was smarter and you had learnt that most of the time the brain was a better weapon than the sword.

“No you couldn’t” he shrugged “I know you tried, Hvitserk told me”

You sighed. You had tried to stop being angry at Hvitserk for days, but you just couldn’t forgive him. Not yet at least. Maybe it was selfish, but you didn’t care.

“My brother was hard to control, especially when given any kind of power” Björn shrugged “My father once told me that power is dangerous, it attracts the worst and corrupts the best” he fixed his icy eyes on you, they were also blue but not as intense as Ivar’s “I’m not sure which one was Ivar’s case, but still”

“Don’t talk to me like I don’t know him, I know him better than any of you, better than you ever will” you glared at him from your seat next to the fire “And like he was dead. He’s not dead”

“Y/N” his expression softened again, and he looked almost trying to comfort you “I know it’s hard, but Ivar can’t survive out there all alone, he’s…”

“Don’t say that word” you jumped from your seat “Don’t call him that, Björn”

“I’m just saying he’s probably never coming back, Y/N, I didn’t even send people looking for him, he’s dead”

“He’s not” you scoffed “I know he’s not. That’s the difference between you and I, Björn, you only saw a weak child when you looked at him, you never thought he’d be a real viking, like your father, like Ubbe, Sigurd, everyone, but I saw him, I saw the strongest man I’ve ever seen, and I know that if someone can survive out there all alone that’s him”

“I never thought Ivar was less than me or any of my brothers” he said, calmly “I admired him, but he’s not a good man, Y/N, he was a tyrant, he lost his mind, he wasn’t a good ruler”

You rolled your eyes, turning around to try and calm yourself down. The tears filled your eyes again. It seemed that everything you did those days was crying, missing him, fearing for him. No matter how many times he had broken your heart or how mad you were at him before the battle, you felt like he took a part of you when he left Kattegat. The mere thought of Ivar dead made your stomach turn.

“He cheated on you, lied to you, treated you badly, he left, he abandoned you” Björn’s voice was more stern now.

“I know what he did” you wiped the tears that started falling down your cheeks with the back of your hand “I was there, I suffered all of that, I don’t need you to come here and explain all the things Ivar did wrong because I witnessed them, I’m not stupid, I’m not the stupid little girl all of you think I am, I don’t want nor need your pity”

As you took a deep breath, you heard him standing up and approaching you.

“No one thinks that” he muttered “I know you’ve gone through a rough time, I just want to help you”

“No” you turned to face him, not caring if he saw your tears anymore. You had hidden your tears for too long now “You just want me as a hostage, because in case Ivar is still out there he will try to take Kattegat back, you need something to stop him” you smiled sadly “I’m afraid he doesn’t care, so you have nothing”

Maybe the sadness in Björn’s eyes when he discovered Freydis’ dead body was actually because he knew she was his only option. Ivar was obsessed with her, not you.

He stood silent for a few minutes, as you wiped the tears again and tried to calm yourself down.

“That’s not why I’m here, Y/N” he insisted “We care about you, Hvitserk cares about you, Ubbe cares about you, you were part of our family” the small smile on his lips confused you “And Ivar cared, or cares, if he’s still alive, I know it, I knew my little brother much better than you think”

“I’m not sure I care anymore” you cleared your throat.

“I also need to know” he frowned softly “If you’re pregnant”

You froze, turning your head to look at him completely taken aback. It made sense, though, as the prospect of Ivar having an heir could be threatening for his claim.

“And what if I am?” you licked your lips, already dry from crying so much “Would you kill my baby too?”

You knew you were being unfair. Björn hadn’t killed Ivar, but he had made him flee, and for you it was very similar.

“I would never do that” he shook his head “But if you are, I would help you as much as I can, we could help you to raise him, but we need to know… And in case you decided to leave the child would stay here”

You didn’t know what was more cruel, killing a baby or taking him away from his mother.

“I’m not pregnant” you muttered, shrugging. That was another one of your heartbreaks, not being able to give Ivar a child. Maybe if you had been pregnant at least once he wouldn’t have been so obsessed with Freydis, maybe he would have taken you with him when he left.

Björn took a deep breath with… Relief?

“Alright” he nodded “But you’re still invited to stay with us”

“I don’t want to be with you” you scowled, and you had the feeling he knew exactly what you meant.

You wanted to be with him. You were willing to forgive him, to ignore all the pain he had caused you because the pain of being without him was much worse. If only he forgave you for all those things you did wrong, like not giving him an heir.

“We’ll give you all the space you need” Björn nodded “But we’ll be there too, if you ever need us, no one is mad at you and no one blames you, Hvitserk is worried about you and we all understand your situation”

“Stop” you covered your ears. His compassion and his understanding tone were driving you mad “Shut up, Björn, why are you being nice to me? Why are you so caring? You barely know me”

“Because I feel bad for you” he looked amused by your reaction “Would you prefer if I put guards on your door and treated you like a hostage? Send word to your father and tell him to pay a ransom for you? Kill you and spread the word so it reaches Ivar, if he’s still alive, and when he comes back I can kill him too?” he raised an eyebrow.

You rolled your eyes and turned your back to him again.

“I’m just being nice to you because Hvitserk told us you did all you could to make Ivar change his mind, and that you stopped him from doing even worse things” he said softly “And I do know you, and I know your family, your father was always close to mine, I don’t have anything against you”

You looked down. You felt lost, hopeless, you were always angry and sad, with your eyes always wet and missing your Ivar for more than you could remember. Your Ivar, not the man that you had been sharing a bed with for the last months, that lost his mind and wouldn’t listen to anyone. You missed his eyes, how it felt when he looked at you, the touch of his fingers, his lips and his skin on yours, his voice, listening to his heartbeat before falling asleep, braiding and unbraiding his hair, his laugh, how he pouted whenever he couldn’t understand something, his muttering when he was drunk, the sound of his crutches approaching you, the feeling of his armor pressing against the soft material of the expensive dresses he bought for you, the tales of the Gods he’d whisper in your ear late at night. You missed all of him, and it felt like the Gods had taken him from your arms to punish you for something you didn’t know you had done.

“Thank you” you managed to say to Björn, who looked surprised “I appreciate it”

You’d probably feel like that for a long time, but taking it all on someone else wasn’t going to make it better.

He nodded, visibly confused by your reply.

“It’s nothing” he shrugged.

None of them would ever understand how lost you felt, you were sure of that, but initiating a war with them wouldn’t change a thing. You would still be all alone and left behind.

“Tell Hvitserk” you managed to say as he turned around to open the door again “That I’m sorry about Thora, and that I tried to stop him”

Björn looked at you for a moment, then he smiled and nodded.

“I will”


You found him lying in front of your door as you came home. At first you didn’t recognize him, but as you got closer your eyes widened in realisation. He wasn’t himself, but instead a shaky and trembling man that could barely keep his eyes open. You heard his whimpers, he called your name and muttered something. As you kneeled next to him he was startled, almost scared.

“Hvitserk” you gasped and covered your mouth in horror. You had heard he was acting differently. People in town talked about him drinking a lot, but this… This was nothing you could have ever imagined.

“Y/N” he managed to call your name again, and this time he sounded almost desperate.

“What…? What happened to you, Hvitty?” you caressed his hair softly. His eyes were red and puffy, his face pale and his lips dry, but what alarmed you the most was the way he was looking everywhere, almost like he couldn’t focus on anything around him.

Hvitserk muttered something else again, and this time he started coughing. You finally reacted, grabbing his arm to help him stand up. Even if he was too heavy for you, you managed to take him to the Great Hall. You knew Björn was out of Kattegat, trying to free King Harald, but you nearly preferred it. Ubbe was ruling in his place, and he loved Hvitserk, didn’t he? He would help.

You could barely breathe when one of the soldiers at the Hall helped you. Queen Gunnhild was there, and she looked at Hvitserk with a worried expression that made you wonder whether that wasn’t the first time she saw him in that state.

“He asked about you” she explained when you helped him sit at the table “He always asks about you, this time I couldn’t stop him”

You raised your head to look at her quickly before focusing on him again.

“Has he been like this for long?”

“Since the battle” she explained, and your stomach turned. Björn had said Hvitserk was worried about you, and you immediately felt terrible for not reaching up to him earlier “He… Gets drunk frequently, and also eats…” she sighed “We don’t really know what to do anymore”

Hvitserk fixed his eyes now on the nearest fireplace. You’d swear he wasn’t even listening.

“I found him at my door” you muttered.

“He keeps talking about Ivar and about you” she nodded “And about a girl…”

“Thora” you nodded.

The queen pressed her lips together and then smiled sadly.

“I’m afraid we haven’t been introduced, I’m Gunnhild”

You tried your best to smile back at her.

“My name is Y/N” you nodded respectfully.

“I’ll ask the thralls to bring some food for Hvitserk” she glanced one last time to the trembling man on the chair next to you, and disappeared on her way to the kitchens. You realized she was giving you some time alone with him, so you immediately turned to him and touched his face softly, making him look at you.

“Hvitty” you said as gently as you could. His eyes finally focused on your face and finally his eyes widened in recognition “What’s wrong?”

“Ivar” his voice was shaking, and he had a panicked expression when he spoke his name. You couldn’t blame him, you hadn’t been able to say his name out loud without whimpering afterwards “He’s… Out there”

You frowned, confused. Was he scared of Ivar? He had motives, but Hvitserk had never been afraid of Ivar. Not even when he had threatened him directly.

“Hvitserk, he’s not here” you whispered “It’s just you and me”

“He’s here, Y/N. He’s everywhere” he shook his head “He looks at me, he wants to kill me, just like he killed her”

“Hey” you were starting to get scared, his eyes looked at every corner of the room “Please, calm down, you drank too much, it’s just that” you grabbed his face “No one is here, he might even be dead”

It hurt you to say those words, but he was terrified and you needed to calm him down.

“No, Ivar is not dead” he said, more firmly “You know it, you know he’s alive” his eyes fixed on yours. He was right, you could feel he was alive, in ways you couldn’t explain.

Finally, you nodded. And Hvitserk seemed to take a deep breath then, almost relieved.

“The queen is with child” he muttered “Björn’s child”

You nodded slowly. You had heard it a few days ago when you were walking around the market. The news made your heart shrunk, but you had tried to ignore it.

“I always wanted a child” Hvitserk sobbed, still trembling “I know you did, too. I saw how sad you were every time Freydis walked into the room when she was pregnant… I saw your sad face every time you asked the thralls to change the sheets because you had bled” your lower lip started trembling at his words and you looked away, suddenly feeling a familiar ache in your chest “You wanted a child and I ruined it, I ruined your life, just like I ruined Thora’s”

“You didn’t” you leaned your head on his shoulder “Hvitserk, you didn’t, you just did what you thought was right, I don’t blame you, it’s not your fault” you hugged him, sighing.

“You hate me”

“I don’t” kissing his cheek, you kept hugging him, even if he was still between your arms “I truly don’t Hvitty, I’m sorry if I made you think that, but you’re the only family I have left” you muttered “Please, I don’t want to lose you too”


Ivar looked to the glistening snowflakes that fell silently at the other side of the window. Everyone slept, but for some reason he couldn’t. The arrival of Oleg’s new wife had stirred some memories. Not only about Freydis, whom she resembled too much, but also about you. He regretted leaving you in Kattegat every single day, but even if he almost woke you up to take you with him, he knew it wasn’t wise to do so. While he knew for a fact that Björn wouldn’t hurt you, especially if Hvitserk and Ubbe were with him, he didn’t know what he would find out there. He was almost sure he’d die in his escape, and between leaving you without saying goodbye or risking your life, he chose the first option.

Knowing it was the right thing to do didn’t make it hurt less.

It was then when he started to miss you. Your absence was deafening, during his journey along what they called the Silk Road he had thought about you every single moment. How much you would have loved to see all of those people, animals and objects they sold. Sometimes he thought he was hearing your laugh somewhere, and his heart would break when he realised he hadn’t heard your laugh since way before he left you.

Maybe he took you for granted, thinking you’d always be there even when he didn’t deserve it, thinking you’d always forgive him. Because you loved him, right?  

You always said it, sometimes when you were about to fall asleep you’d mutter the words against his neck. How many times had he said it to you? He couldn’t recall telling you that many times, only sometimes after making love, and now he regretted it. He wished he had told you now, but then again, what would he tell you? That he hadn’t tried his best even though he promised it to you? That you were the only person that kept him stable, the only one that he didn’t feel the need to impress because no matter how hard he tried, you would always see the real him?  He felt frustrated.

His time as king with you by his side resembled more a nightmare than a memory. He had seen himself in Oleg, he had seen the cruelty others saw in him. Admitting to kill his wife, killing his brother with no remorse, treating his own nephew like a dog… Ivar didn’t want to be that. But he had done even worse things, hadn’t he? Hurting you was one of them.

He also regretted killing Freydis. He had loved her too, or at least he thought he did. It was hard to know the difference between love and lust for him. She had been beautiful, perfect, especially when pregnant. But she had betrayed him. Even if they weren’t married, she still promised many things to him, she swore she loved him. And suddenly he had two beautiful women by his side, he ruled Kattegat, he was powerful, everyone knew his name, he was going to have a child.

He’d like to be able to blame that loss on someone else. On his brother Hvitserk, who also betrayed him, on Freydis, on his own soldiers that weren’t able to defend Kattegat. But the truth was that he was the only one to blame. He trusted the wrong person, and ignored the rest. Including you.


The soft voice startled him. He usually didn’t let his guard down in Kiev, not trusting Oleg, but this time he had been too self-absorbed by his own thoughts and didn’t hear Prince Igor’s steps.

The kid looked sleepy, he had a small frown on his face and looked cold as he turned his head to look at him.

“My prince?” he raised an eyebrow. Igor was now able to speak Norse, but Ivar preferred talking to him in his own language, so he would be more comfortable “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“I woke up and saw you here” he shrugged “Why aren’t you in bed?”

“I was just about to go back to bed” Ivar lied with a small smile “I was just thinking about someone that would have loved the snow like this” he pointed at the window. Igor tilted his head with interest.


To hear your name out loud, on someone else’s lips, for the first time shocked him. Even with Igor’s accent, the sound of your name made his heart skip a beat as your face reappeared in his mind.

“How do you know Y/N?” he shook his head, trying to remember any conversation in which he had mentioned you.

“You said her name a few times, when you were sleeping” Igor shrugged “Sometimes you talk in your sleep”

It was true. You had said it a few times, but he never thought he’d say something coherent.

“Who is Y/N?” the boy asked, curious. His big eyes were fixed on him, and Ivar fought the smile that threatened to curve his lips.

“Y/N is a very special person” he said, sighing “Someone the Gods sent to me when I needed her the most, even if I didn’t know at that time… She was also my wife, still is if she’s not…” he couldn’t finish. The mere thought of you being dead crushed his heart, he couldn’t stand it.

“Then why is she not with you?” Igor frowned again “Where is she?”

“I don’t know” he shrugged.

Igor pouted then. Ivar smiled, thinking about how much you’d love Igor if you knew him. He was such a special boy, and he saw himself developing a soft spot for him. Maybe it was because he recognized himself in him, maybe because the way he played music the first time he talked to him reminded him of Sigurd. But even if his interest in the boy was merely strategic at the beginning, now he felt the need to protect him.

“Come on, let’s go to bed” he winked at Igor, who nodded and stood up. Ivar couldn’t hold back a chuckle when he saw the little prince crawling into bed. It warmed his heart. And he wondered if that’s how being a father felt.



You had tried to ignore him, but he clearly wasn’t giving up. Sighing loudly, you stopped walking down the beach. You did not have a destination in mind, but it was something you did at least once a day, walk around Kattegat, sometimes into the forest and around the beach, just to get away from everything. Turning around with what you hoped was a very annoyed expression, you looked at him.

“What do you want, Ubbe?”

You hadn’t talked that much to him, even when you spent a lot of time in the Great Hall to take care of Hvitserk, you barely talked to other people that weren’t Gunnhild. And now Gunnhild wasn’t in Kattegat.

“I need to tell you something” he sighed when he finally reached you “I wasn’t going to, but I suppose you’ll find out sooner or later”

You frowned. Immediately your thoughts went to Hvitserk, had something happened to him? Before you could ask, Ubbe shook his head.

“It’s about Ivar”

You felt almost like someone had punched you in the face at the mention of his name. Only Hvitserk talked about him, and even if he was in your mind every single day and every single place in Kattegat seemed to scream his name at you whenever you walked by, the rest of them chose to ignore his existence. You were kind of thankful for that.

“A party we sent to the East came to inform us of something” he explained “They said the Rus mentioned that Prince Oleg had a very important guest in his palace in Kiev. A viking king.”

Your jaw nearly dropped. Apart from the wave of relief that hit you when you realised he was alive, you felt strange. Almost disappointed.

Because he hadn’t come back to look for you.

“Ivar is with the Rus?” you asked, more to yourself than to him. You tried to remember everything you had been told about the Rus.

“Yes” Ubbe sighed “He’s there and I’m not surprised, to be honest, to hear that he’s alive” he almost smiled then “But that means that he will probably come back here”

You looked at him again, narrowing your eyes.

“If he comes back” he continued “We’ll fight him”

“Of course” you shrugged “As you should”

“Will you fight with us?”

You licked your lips before answering.

“I don’t fight anymore” you shrugged.

“Not even for your own home?” Ubbe pressed his lips together in disapproval.

“If I fight it’s for myself” you raised an eyebrow “I fought for Ivar once too, but now it’s just me, and I don’t want to fight anymore”

“Fine” he raised his hands “Do whatever you want, but remember we could use a shieldmaiden like you”

“Does Hvitserk know? About Ivar” you asked, ignoring his disapproving stare.

“Amma went to tell him” he shrugged “I figured it would be better”

You looked away. You liked Amma. It was clear she cared about Hvitserk, but you weren’t sure whether she understood him.

“Anyway” Ubbe stepped back “Just wanted to tell you. If you change your mind, you know where you can find us”

You watched him as he left, walking back to Kattegat. Ubbe would make a good king, you thought, better than Björn whose real desire was to travel to distant lands.

Looking back to the empty beach, you resumed your walk, knowing this would be maybe a bit longer than usual.


You had never seen Björn so angry. It scared you a bit, knowing there was nothing you could do and everything escaped your control. You felt guilty. If you had been with Hvitserk that night, maybe…  

He trembled between your arms. He felt terrible, you knew it, you hadn’t left his side since they found the body. He confessed everything to you in a hushed voice, whimpering and shaking as his eyes looked everywhere.

‘I thought she was Ivar’

Björn yelled, screamed and threw things around. A part of you wanted to laugh, to remind him how he laughed at Ivar when he wanted revenge for his mother. When you stood there, watching as they burned Lagertha’s body, you felt everyone’s sadness, and even felt bad for her. But the only thing in your mind was Aslaug’s funeral, when they burned her body without her sons present, without anyone by her side. You remember seeing her falling to the ground when Lagertha’s arrow caught her, and you remember searching for any sign of regret in Lagertha’s face as she struck down the woman that treated you like a daughter, finding nothing. You remembered Ivar’s cries. How you had to hold him when he lost both his parents at the same time, when no one cared but him. No one mourned her like they mourned her killer. Maybe that’s why you felt some satisfaction seeing Björn yell and cry. It was justice, after all. The Seer said she would be killed by a son of Ragnar, it was fate, the Gods’ doing, and not even Lagertha could escape it.

Even if you didn’t feel sorry. Even if you wanted to smile and laugh at him, ask him how it felt when someone took what you loved from you, you now kneeled before him. Swallowing your pride and your satisfaction, to ask for forgiveness.

Not for you. For Hvitserk.

You had your eyes red from crying when you heard Hvitserk would be executed. Burned alive. If they took Hvitserk from you too…

Björn’s stern face intimidated you, but you still looked up and opened your mouth.

“He wasn’t himself” you took a deep breath “Please, he’s your brother”

“I wouldn’t be the first son of Ragnar that kills his own brother, would I?” his mockery tone infuriated you, but you closed your eyes to calm yourself down.

“Please” you repeated “Hvitserk is not well, he’s sick, he’s…”

“He is a drug addict!” he screamed, making you flinch “He’s pathetic, not worthy of carrying my father’s name!”

Your fist clenched.

“You didn’t help him when I asked you to” you raised your voice “He lost control”

“I’m not his mother” he laughed bitterly “I owe nothing to him”

“He’s your brother” you argued “And no, he doesn’t have a mother, your own mother killed her” you raised an eyebrow “Remember?”

His entire expression darkened. He walked to you, until you raised your head to meet his eye. You could hear gasps and whispers from the people present.

“Are you saying my mother deserved to be killed by that piece of scum?” he whispered, leaning close to you with his eyes widened in rage.

“Maybe” you didn’t look away. You kept your eyes fixed in his, and waited. Maybe you just condemned yourself to death, but you couldn’t care less. It felt good to finally say what you thought.

Björn’s face contorted in rage. He touched the handle of his sword, but seemed to change his mind and instead he yelled again. Men liked to yell when they were angry, sad or frustrated. And Björn was all of those things at the same time.

“I kept you alive because I pitied you” he shook his head “I thought you were just a poor woman whose husband forgot, that you were defenceless and quiet, a good person that was charmed by my little brother” he clenched his jaw “But you’re not. You’re exactly like him, and I should have killed you and sent your head to that pathetic excuse of a husband you had”

“You kept me alive because you’re scared, Björn Ironside” you smirked softly, not letting his insults get to you “Because you know Ivar would be back to avenge my death, because you know he’d kill you. Because you can’t beat him”

“I beat him” he raised his eyebrow “I’m king of Kattegat. He’s exiled somewhere in the East, too scared to come back here”

“You didn’t” you shook your head “He beat himself. With his own decisions and judgements. You just happened to be here too in the right moment”

“You know nothing” he spat at your feet “You’re still loyal to him when he threw you away like you were a dog”

“I understand you’re hurt” you shrugged “But killing Hvitserk won’t bring your mother back”

“But there will be justice”

“Then Hvitserk was also doing justice to his own mother”

Björn growled again, and his fist clenched almost like he wanted to hit you. He turned around, paced for a few minutes until he looked back at you.

“Leave” he scowled at you “Don’t ever step into this Hall for as long as I’m here or I will burn you alive next to you dear Hvitserk or worse, I will kick you out of this town forever”

You rolled your eyes at him. Hoping that annoyed him a bit more before turning around and leaving the Hall. Hvitserk wouldn’t die. You’d make sure of that.


