#ive never been so fast to slam the rb button



Never Let Me Go

Summary: Who knew how easy it would be for Reader to find comfort in Tara’s arms

Request:Reader has anxiety and gets overwhelmed during a case so Tara comforts them

Pairing:Tara Lewis x Reader (no gender specified)


Content Warnings: crying,anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed (Reader)

Word count: 1.1k


Most days were okay. Even while surrounded by profilers - with one of them being so much more to you than that - you were able to maintain a straight face and do everything that was expected from you. It might cost you more of your vigor than your colleagues but you made it work. For your own sake and that of the people’s lives you were saving. Putting on your professional demeanor and not letting the hints of your struggles show, you could go through your workday just like anyone else. 

Today was not one of those days. 

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