#iza rambles


Follower Count is over 1111!!!

Okay guys seriously, when did I reach 1116 followers on here?! Like hot damn, thank you!

I stuffed the Queue with a bit more new work that I hadn’t gotten to post yet. There are also 2 more faceups I need to document before I can add them to the queue as well.

I’m generally very slow at updating here, more activity and blathering is to be found on my website in the blog section. That reminds me, I should update over there too…

concentrated-oj: izasfaceups: And here’s a Hujoo Freya in light grey for the same client as the whit



And here’s a Hujoo Freya in light grey for the same client as the white one posted earlier. Again the client and I bounced ideas off of each other and we settled on this. I’m shipping them both out today!

Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!

Oh heyyyyy this is Miette! The person I bought her from did tell me who did the faceup but I didn’t think you’d be on Tumblr back when I got her for some reason lol. I’m very happy with Miette, I think you did a lovely job on her.

Haha yeah I’ve been on tumblr forever, even if I go through spells of not posting here. I’m so glad to see she went to a good home and thank you for the compliment on the Faceup!

Post link

New Faceups Incoming!!

Finally got around to throwing a bunch of faceups into the queue. They will post once a day for the next week.
