#izuku midoriya




The promised incoherent BKDK rant ! I’m not entirely sure of where I’m going with this, or if it makes sense, but I Realized and then I couldn’t stop Realizing and I had to put it down somewhere. This might get a bit rambly at times but bear with me guys

Keep reading

Op I love these observations and if I may add some of my own related ramblings :

Bkdk’s have obviously pointed out the parallels between the feelings of Ura -> Deku , and Deku -> Baku - but this talk of villainy and selfishness supposedly being expressed through indulgence made me consider -

Deku is also sort of being paralleled with Toga in this way ?? Because here he is ‘selfishly’ expressing his feelings for Bakugo when he feels like he needs to repress it , except we see that when people try to constantly repress all of their desires , it boils over and this is what actually results in villainy - Toga’s villainy didn’t come from doing what she wants here & there - it’s that she repressed everything until she snapped and went to the other extreme of hurting people to get what she wants

And for Deku ?? His 'selfish’ moments caused by Bakugo aren’t from him having feelings for Kacchan , but from Deku having repressed his feelings to the point where it bursts out in life or death extremes , which is why it comes off as so possessive and desperate in these times , and even leads to potentially hurting others - like OP said , the dangerous blackwhip incident was caused by Deku’s volatile emotions spinning out of control - he is even told that he needs to control his heart - and in the war , Deku endangered himself , OFA - and incidentally , the entire world - because he impulsively leered at AFO after loosing control of his heart again .

However , if Deku and Toga had allowed themselves to express their wants and occasionally 'indulge’ in them as OP puts it , it wouldn’t turn out that way - Society had convinced both of them that having things they want is Selfish and Villainous (as well as society potentially seeing both of their desires as especially 'gross’ and 'immoral’) , and that detrimental selflessness is heroic - but in reality they both ended up acting 'selfish’ or 'villainous’ because they repressed this supposed 'selfishness’ , and doing the 'heroic’ thing by repressing their feelings is what made them go to these extremes (Toga resorting to villainy to get blood & be more like her crushes , and Deku being possessive of Bakugo & accidentally endangering people because of his emotional reactions)

The point I’m getting to is that it seems like the story should address Deku having to figure out how to accept his feelings for Bakugo and express them in a healthy way in order to avoid these outburst and achieve true heroism & selflessness - we’ve already addressed that Deku shouldn’t be too selfless in his work as a hero because that can result in being selfless to a point of selfishness (endangering himself & potentially causing the world to lose him as a hero , making his loved ones worry about him more , as well as looking down on his peers & thinking that saving the world is solely his responsibility) Now ?? It should be time to address that Deku can’t just keep repressing his 'selfish’ feelings for Bakugo - whether or not society can accept it

Also ?? Bakugo is a the one who went to Deku and gave him that whole speech about not doing things alone , and how Deku is wrong for thinking that he should constantly sacrifice himself to be a hero - and I think now Bakugo may be the one to show Deku that he shouldn’t repress his feelings anymore , even if Deku thinks that expressing them might be 'selfish’

Anyway I went on a real tangent here oof I hope this was somewhat coherent & meaningful lol

The promised incoherent BKDK rant ! I’m not entirely sure of where I’m going with this, or if it makes sense, but I Realized and then I couldn’t stop Realizing and I had to put it down somewhere. This might get a bit rambly at times but bear with me guys

This is about bkdk, but to talk about bkdk I wanna talk about Uraraka and Toga as well because I believe they parallel bkdk. Not just on the Love = Imitation thing though that’s part of it, but also the way Deku handles his feelings toward Katsuki in relation to Heroism.

Uraraka and Toga are foils, and aside from highlighting how the way they handle their feelings are similar and different, they also reflect the attitudes of Heroism and Villainy. Uraraka is a Hero because she acts selflessly. She prioritizes becoming a Hero and helping people over her own feelings for Deku, and in turn represses them so they don’t become a liability. On the other hand, Toga is a villain because she’s ‘selfish’. She couldn’t suppress her feelings anymore, so now she prioritizes the things she wants and loves regardless of how they affect other people. In short, suppression = selflessness = Heroism; indulgence = selfishness = Villainy.

Now what the heck does this have to do with Deku and his feelings for Katsuki? Well I think he follows much of the same pattern Uraraka does. Deku consistently loses control of his feelings because of Katsuki throughout the series, and this comes to a head when he unlocks sixquirks. His feelings for Katsuki start to become a liability: when he unlocks Blackwhip he endangers his classmates, and after he unlocks Danger Sense he loses himself to the point where he nearly got OFA stolen, killed, possibly caused the end of the world, etc. Both of these instances were caused by someone saying or doing something to Katsuki. And every time he loses control of his feelings he becomes a liability as Hero, so he has to learn to ‘control his heart.’

So, Deku follows much of the same pattern Uraraka did: They experience strong feelings toward someone, until those feelings begin negatively affecting their Hero work, so they push those feelings down in order to become better Heroes. Selflessness. And Deku is selfless, so much so it becomes a fault. Time and time again, people point out Deku’s selflessness and how he always puts others before himself. The true imagine of a Hero.

Except, as far as I can tell, for this moment:

I can never let go of this interaction between Deku and Compress because it is absolutely insane to me. Not only is Deku losing his shit because of Katsuki being taken, that much is understandable. But to make a point to have Compress call out Deku for being possessive? Yeah, that’s gonna keep me up at night. And it was me thinking about this scene for the 10293493 time that got me writing this long winded rant. Because Compress here calls Deku anegoist.’ He’s not repressing his feelings, he’s lashing out, inadvertently indulging in the feelings he tends to suppress. To Compress, a Villain, this outburst appears egoistical. In a way, selfish. He’s losing control of his heart, and it is once again because of Katsuki.

And as I was losing my mind over this little detail, I remembered this happens in Chapter 81. What happens in Chapter 80?

Toga introduces the concept of Imitation as a form of Love. Something which is seen not only in Uraraka but also in the way Deku acts toward Katsuki.

Coincidence? Well, probably lmao. But maybe I’m not crazy and it’s not.

Am I going anywhere in specific with this? No, not really. I have many thoughts and they lead to nowhere coherent. But after I realized how insane it was for Deku out of all people to be called an ‘egoist’ I couldn’t leave it alone and woah, what the hell.

How many times am I gonna make this joke? Yes

It’s not like That he swears

100% canon dialogue from the early seasons Horikoshi told me himself

Where are you looking?

Gran Torino-style cape: Not tattered edition !

TODODEKU WEEK 2018 Day 7: StarsShoto gaze at sky stars twinkling beautifully than he ever saw. He al

Day 7: Stars

Shoto gaze at sky stars twinkling beautifully than he ever saw. He always hated the pitch dark sky as it reminded him the bitter days during his training with his father. 

Dark and cold.

The fox always thought darkness will forever reminded him the cold and bitter times. But now thanks to the bunny, his view changed and he’s forever grateful to Izuku for this chance.

“Thank you…. Izuku.”

Couldn’t do day 4-6. Belated Happy Birthday, Midoriya Izuku-kun~!

Edit: Forgot to paint Todoroki’s scar. ^^;


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TODODEKU WEEK 2018Day 2: InsecuritiesWatercolor Kitsune!Todoroki and Bunny!Midoriya. Kindda late but


Day 2: Insecurities

Watercolor Kitsune!Todoroki and Bunny!Midoriya. Kindda late but I still upload my other prompts until tom. Decided to do them all in watercolor.


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TODODEKU WEEK 2018Day 1: WarmthFirst time joining this challenge for this ship after seeing the prom


Day 1: Warmth

First time joining this challenge for this ship after seeing the prompt lists at @tododeku-week. Hope I can make through at the end. \(^0^)/


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My very first TodoDeku fanart using my new Wacom pentablet! I should be working on my new Sterek or

My very first TodoDeku fanart using my new Wacom pentablet! I should be working on my new Sterek or other fandoms but my friend kept commissioning/requesting me on BnHA.

Posted in my Instagram.


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izuku buys sonic merch for iida whenever he stumbles across it. iida’s collection now comtains 7 ceramic mugs, three refrigerator magnets, 5 stickers, and 2 action figures. he has no idea who sonic is but he cherishes everything in his collection. tensei suggest throwing some of it away one day when they’re cleaning the house and iida throws a fit

“midoriya got them for me. it would be rude to throw away a gift”
