#izzy at home


So was anybody going to tell me ahead of time that the cowboy’s name in Dracula is the same as my shihtzu’s even though it’s spelled different. was anybody going to tell me that for the whole book I’ll be thinking of the dog i call “stinky baby” looking like THIS:

Eyyyy it’s only ten years late lmao I was tagged by @jadziabear


TIME:8:51 pm

FEELING:tired but i’m listening to Mr Sandman so i’m okay. 


SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Trail That We Blaze from Road to El Dorado


TEA OR COFFEE: iced matcha latte or iced caramel macchiato 

FAVORITE FOOD: waffle friesssss


LAST THING I GOOGLED: is it death head moth or is it death head hawkmoth??

LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: Mr Sandman by the Chordettes

LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: uhhhhhh oh shit what even was it?? oh it was Multiverse of Madness

LAST SHOW I WATCHED: Love, Death and Robots Season 3 (I recommend Night of the Living Mini Dead)

CURRENTLY READING: i’m deep in my Dinluke Star Wars feelings what even is a book I haven’t surfaced for air in months

CURRENTLY WATCHING: nothing yet, but i’m hoping to get to Prehistoric Planet

HOBBIES:drawing, reading, being very tired

DREAM TRIP: I wanna go to Japan and have no itinerary and just explore for like a solid 2 months.

daltag 9 people you’d like to get to know better

Tagged by @cadriona

Favorite time of the year?

Oooooooh it’s fall. I love thunderstorms in the fall, the crackle of energy in the air before everything breaks apart. The not too cold days, but definitely hoodie weather ones? Oh yeah. The wind when it whips dead leaves against the pavement and the sky is grey and you feel like you are walking in a Goosebumps book? That’s the good shit right there.

Comfort food?

It’s cheeseburgers. I fucking love cheeseburgers. If i’m sad a cheeseburger will help. But like cold day need something warm by the fire comfort? Grilled cheese and tomato soup friend.

Do you collect something?

I intentionally collect SIM poppers at work, but I used to collect hats and decks of cards. Now I unintentionally hoard art supplies, tarot cards, candles, left socks, and useless trivia.

Favorite drink?

I like iced matcha lattes, cherry coke, and hot chocolate. I’m very simple. As for alcohol drinks catch me with a Pina Colada, margarita, or Amaretto stone sour.

Favorite song?

That’s too hard so I’ll give you like five or so that sum up my personality: Mr Blue Sky by ELO, Nightmare King by Christopher Larkin, Wellerman Sea Shanty, Boss Bitch by Doja Cat, Cantina Band by John Williams, and the Spider-Man opening credits song by Danny Elfman

Current Favorite Song?

Ah fuck. Um… Let’s go with Haunted Heart by Christina Aguilera

Favorite fic?

Going for the big guns huh. You’ll honestly have to narrow it down to fandom and pairing at this point. I have waaaaay to much Ao3 history that I refuse to look through for this question. (I have read at least 11,940 fics on Ao3 not counting ones I’ve reread.) So here’s a quick run down of some of them:

  • Hannigram-Strangers Til Now by mokuyoubi and also anything by PossesiveNounorDarkmoonSigel(I’d be dumb to not do a self promotion for A Super Sized Revenge by me, 1smolpotato)
  • Stony-Take My Heart Clean Apart by mistymountainking 
  • Dinluke-A Warrior Dance by twoseas 
  • StormPilot-Straysby navpike or Climb Inside My Body (Captive in My Skin) by ShowMeAHero
  • Destiel-What Greater Gift by amarillogrande or the good ol Play it All Night Long by janie_tangerine
  • Ineffable Husbands- honestly anything where Crowley was Raphael tbh
  • Zukka-The Good Vanilla by Haicrescendo or Real Slow by surveycorpsjean 
  • Sterek-DILFby twentysomething or Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie by owlpostagain 

As always if you ever want to know more about my general reading nonsense or want actual fic recs for a pairing lemme know.

TAGGING TIME: this is a gentle tag, you do not have to if you don’t want to

