#izzy hawthorne


‘Lightyear’ Book Cover Art Online

‘Lightyear’ Book Cover Art Online

I’m gonna be honest here, and say that I still really have very little motivation to post on this blog. Maintaining any sort of public presence (even a modest one, I have no delusions of fame) has become too much of a battleground, and I continue to be completely burned out from it all. That being said, I also mentioned in my last blog post that I would be around whenever I found any Lightyear news that I especially wanted to write about. So, since I’m excited to have found the cover art for several of the different Lightyear books online, I thought I’d pop on here and post them.


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When Mo asked Izzy why her mistake was different than his and Izzy responded with “Because it was mine!”…that shit hurt

Just saw Lightyear…

The characters, especially Sox, Izzy, Mo and Darby, where hilarious and saved the movie for me. Like, can we get more of them and their adventures?

Why they decide to pull a Lego Movie 2 is beyond me. Like, screw that twist…

Anyways, yeet me some Lightyear AUs (maybe a crossover with Encanto).
