#i’d watch the shit out of it obviously








A true warrior queen has risen

C h o s e n

I want her to be in charge of everything, just like the Lady intended.


to clarify, these are two different young girls pulling two different swords from two different lakes, about a year apart. strange women in ponds will continue to distribute swords

Listen maybe Strange women lying in ponds distributing swordsis  a good basis for a system of government.

Two girls find swords only one year apart??? What are the odds?! This sounds like the introductory scenes of some epic movie about destiny. They both grow up, they are somehow lead to a secret location where they meet for the first time, some old dude who looks like Patrick Stewart tells them they are chosen and sends them on some important mission and despite not trusting/liking each other, they gradually fall in love and successfully complete their mission to save the planet, of course… but the villain’s younger sibling gets away, so we all know there will be a sequel

I’d love everybody’s ideas on what else would be happening in the story. Free to add to it :)
