#i’m literally dying


I need a better job and I also need to look for roommate situations



Word Count:6.6k

Warnings:Gambling, strip Sabacc, nudity, wagers on sex, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex

Comments: A Mandalorian sits down at your Sabacc table on Canto Bight, wanting to play for the ship you have offered up as collateral. Except you decide that you won’t play for money, you’ll play for clothes. 

Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers​


ClickKeep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says ’creator chooses not to use warnings’. You also agree that you’re the right age to be consuming anything here.

It wasn’t often that you spent much time in one of the gambling dens on Canto Bight. Often the atmosphere was too much, or the table too rich, but this was interesting. When the Mandalorian had sat down at the table, several were concerned that the obvious bounty hunter had pucks on them. It was clear by the way they quickly gathered their credits and scattered to the four winds. You had been annoyed at that, seeing the potential profit you had been betting on slip through your fingers. Instead, he hadn’t got up to go after one of them or pull out a puck for anyone still seated. He pulled out a pouch of credits and tossed them down, obviously wanting to play. You raise a brow and toss down your latest hand, forfeit since so many left the table. “You’re gonna play, Mando?” You ask in disbelief. 

Din tilts his helmet, glad for the visor which makes it easier for him to bluff. “I heard from others that you are betting a ship. I need one. Let’s play.” He orders, gesturing for the dealer to cut the deck. You hum, picking up your drink to take a sip, the others warily looking at each other, unsure of whether they wish to play a Mandalorian. If he loses, he could decide to kill them then and there. Once Din has his cards, he is careful to make sure they are not reflected in his visor as he eyes his hand.

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This was just. Oh my fuck.

Can’t believe I have to go out into the real world after getting my brain fucked like this.
