#i’m probably going to regret this but oh well


I wish there was more Makorra.

Not because it’s my ship or anything; just because I get angry when I hear people saying they “can’t” ship it or create content for something they like for fear of being yelled at or called homophobic. The need to preface the work with “I really love Korrasami but” or “Korrasami is also great and” as if creators feel that the very act of exploring a different pairing - especially a canon pairing - automatically makes them a terrible person. It’s sad, stifling, and undermines the very diversity that queer ships like Korrasami help to promote. If Makorra authors also love other ships, great! Multi-ship party! I personally ship Korra with half a dozen partners and love to see the variety. But it’s sad how often love of Korrasami is treated as necessary. Bizarrely, I even see this with other Korra wlw ships. It’s specifically Korrasami that’s the fandom requirement.

But Makorra doesn’t make Korra any less bi. Neither does the idea that Korrasami breaks up post-canon for perfectly normal hey-we’re-22 reasons or that Korra one day wants someone else, be it Mako or Kuvira or Wan or an OC or Prince Wu or Lin Beifong or Sonic the Hedgehog (yes Korra x Sonic is a real fic). Or even AUs where she and Asami in particular never had a spark. She’s still canon bi. Bi women can date, or even marry, men as well as women. Unless an author is writing “and Korra walked into the bar and thought, ‘wow, I sure do hate ladies’” it’s implied that she’s bi, the same way we know what she looks like or anything else. That pre-knowledge of a character by the audience is one of the joys of fanfic. And stapling Korra to a single pairing in the name of representation is a disservice to both her and the fandom, and the complexity and diversity of queer relationships.

Anyway that’s today’s rant. You don’t have to like Makorra or any other ship. But neither does anyone else.
