#i’m so done with nesta having zero agency in her life



“Rhysand really gave this sword to me of his own free will?” Nesta asked Cassian the next morning as they hiked the mossy, rock-strewn side of the towering mountain known as the Prison.

The sword is literally hers. The fact that she even asks this is ridiculous. You can’t read this book and say everything was for her own good when she was just being controlled the whole time. She shouldn’t be shocked that she can have the sword she made. She shouldn’t have information about her own body kept from her. She shouldn’t be forced to train or work in the library.

Rhysand isn’t allowed to have a say in anything concerning her or her belongings.

nesta: ‘She would not be mastered by anything again. She was the master of herself.’

also nesta: asks to be given her OWN SWORD that SHE MADE to use
