#i’m so so happy we get more of this



Holy smokes how is it already SUNDAY JUNE 12TH!? It was a Tuesday in May yesterday T-T

Thankfully, since my Domestic @inukag-week​ contribution was a deleted chapter, it just needed cleaned up and is ready for your viewing pleasure. Not sure if any other days this week will be on time, but I’m going to bask in this moment of being on time for something while you enjoy the approx 800 word chapter that lives between parts 6 & 7 (so note this does include spoilers if you haven’t read Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover)

Day One: Domestic 

Inuyasha groaned into his pillow. He’d worked a week of double shifts and finally had a day off, so to say he was unhappy to hear his phone going off at 9am was an understatement. He looked at his obscenely bright screen and, seeing Kagome’s name and picture, slid his thumb to accept the call.

Oh good you’re awake!” Kagome’s voice came blasting through the speaker before Inuyasha had even opened his mouth.

“No I’m not. The hell do you want?”

Umm..” her voice trailed off and for a second he wondered if the call had disconnected. “I need some help.”

“What kind of help?”

Could you drive me to the hospital?“ 

Well, that certainly had his attention. 

Keep reading

Oh my gosh yesssssss
