#i’m sorry i hardly post anymore


Why I’ve been gone

Hey y’all!

I know my posts lately have been mediocre, if I even post at all. People have asked for personalized content and I keep sloughing it off. I haven’t even been reblogging stuff in the meantime.

Truth it, I’m really struggling with trichtilomania- compulsive hair pulling- coinciding with some dermatilomania- compulsive skin picking. The main areas I’ve been pulling/picking have been my legs, chest, and pubic area. So all these areas have cuts and scars and other less than attractive qualities. It’s not exactly like I want any pictures taken showing that off.

I can’t afford therapy, so I’m trying to figure out how to overcome this on my own. Please be patient with me. I promise I’ll get better and back to my old antics eventually, but I can’t promise when that’ll be. These issues are manifestations of the terrible depressive episode I’ve been in since July. I just wanted y’all to know that I’m still here, still care, and still love my body; it’s just not a body I want to look at or show off right now.
