#i’ve had a kid ask if i was a ninja before



Went into town for the first time in a while to get a surprisingly rare library book and was chilling in the library for a bit.

This woman in a niqab was chillen and sharing a table with me and this tiny little kid wandered away from his mom and sort of dinked around before slowly coming up to her.

I was waiting for the usual “what’s that on your face?” Thing but this kid taps her on the arm and whispers “Are you a Mandolorian?”

She was laughing and the little boys mom came over and apologized for him bothering her studies. She repeated his question to his mom and they both chuckled a bit. This little boys mom asked her to explain to her son why she wore a niqab so he could learn about it.

And guys it was a GOOD moment. His eyes were so big while she was explaining her religion and he asked so many cute little questions and I could tell it made that woman’s day.
