#jack donaghy


Please spread the word to your 30 Rock followers about this blog! This blog runs on the amazing fans of 30 Rock (also known as the greatest show on earth…rock.)

The rules/notes are quite general for submitting to this blog.

-Confessions will be posted anonymously, whether submitted anonymously or not. 

-If you have a specific scene/screencap you would like to go with your quote, please specify an episode. Otherwise the mod will select an appropriate cap.

-Please refrain from obscene, crude or racist language. 

-All caps will be phrased as submitted, unless incoherent. 

-Blog moderator holds all rights to not publishing confessions deemed inappropriate. 

-Duplicate confessions will not be posted.


Hey-o! I found a 30 Rock Confessions blog, but had no posts! So I thought, why not? So many great shows have confessions. If a 30 Rock confessions blog has already been made, let me know and I will concede. If not,  please submit confessions in the ask! 

I will get to the confessions, someday! I know, it’s been over 6 months, but life as a post-grad working full time is busy! 

…But I am watching 30 Rock right now! 

EDIT: Oops, it’s been way over 6 months. It’s been almost a year!

 The humor in 30 Rock is more intelligent than just about any other show.

The humor in 30 Rock is more intelligent than just about any other show.

Post link
3.14 | “The Funcooker”

3.14 | “The Funcooker”

Post link

I loved my mother, Lemon, obviously, because of Stockholm Syndrome.

Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock. “Florida”.
