#jacksepticeye marvin


So- I drew (my version!) of Marvin as he’d probably draw himself!

Since my Marvin is pretty old-school, I imagined he’d probably draw a portrait using Charcoals on paper, so I tried to replicate that digitally!

I also figured Marvin wouldn’t draw himself with his scars, he’d draw himself with his mask on since he’s self-conscious about them :0
… Buuuut- I wanted to draw them sooo- I made two!

I decided to challenge myself to try to draw my boy in @desirecomics’s (On twitter or instagram!!) sI decided to challenge myself to try to draw my boy in @desirecomics’s (On twitter or instagram!!) sI decided to challenge myself to try to draw my boy in @desirecomics’s (On twitter or instagram!!) s

I decided to challenge myself to try to draw my boy in @desirecomics’s (On twitter or instagram!!) style!! The challenge was a lot of fun, and it’s very interesting seeing the side by side comparison of our styles! 

Overall it was a really fun and enjoyable experience, and I’m interested to see how everyone thinks I did! 

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“The Second Wind”, a period of intense magic Marvin can tap into after he’s pushed himself to, and p

“The Second Wind”, a period of intense magic Marvin can tap into after he’s pushed himself to, and past, his absolute magical limit. During this state, he is in his most powerful- able to cast spells and use magic without harboring the usual effects. His magic turns from teal to white, and pure arcane energy begins to bleed form his eyes like tears. 

This magic however, comes with a cost. During this period, his power is no longer fueled by his arcane power- but by his life itself. The effects of using this state for too long is certainly fatal, even if used for a short period. Shutting down his systems and causing his body to essentially tear itself apart, this is a state in which the smallest error can and will be deadly.

This is not a state that he can willingly achieve on a regular means. This is a state he forces himself into in a moment of complete magical drainage, far past the stretches of his usual limits. He has only ever used this ability once- and it nearly cost him his life. Those scars didn’t come without a story. 

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-And he’ll tear you down from the inside…

Keeping with the “realistic” theme from my last post- I present- *cough* possessed *cough* ✨Marvin✨

Marvin’s magic is usually a bright, bold teal. Anti, however, has different ideas…

When Marvin is corrupted by Anti, his eyes black out and his magic turns to a sickly green

“Go on…. Try me.”

When Marvin is using his “card magic”, the suits from his mask will appear on his forehead, glowing teal.

This happens to “tie his energy” to the cards in a symbolic way. Think of Marvin like a power outlet- by himself he can cast a few spells at once just fine.

However, as he needs to cast more then one at a time, that’s where his cards come in. The cards are like those power strips you plug into the outlet. Now, he has more “outlets” for his magic, allowing him to cast more spells at once!

 Marvin with his “familiar”, Lizzie Jr.! (Sliiightly old drawing so sliiightly old desig

Marvin with his “familiar”, Lizzie Jr.! (Sliiightly old drawing so sliiightly old design, aka the cloak doesn’t have its hood/cowl or the suits buttons ^^;;)

Magicians are all at the age of 18 able to summon a “familiar”. The familiar of which resembles the caster in some form, and are the most loyal companions to walk the earth. 

Where Marvin is from, magicians would summon a single creature only once- a physical entity who would join them the rest of their life. Due to circumstances however, Marvin is only able to summon a ghostly “spirit” form of his familiar for extended periods of time. 

Lizzie Jr. was named after Marvin’s Mentor, Elizabeth, or “Lizzie”, who was a skilled and powerful magician. Her own familiar was Merlin, a small red fox who was as cunning and clever as she was, yet also shared her gentle heart. 

Marvin’s familiar represents a Fennec Fox- small, playful, energetic, loyal and almost annoyingly intelligent for its own good. Due to her spirit-like nature, she possesses an ability other familiars don’t- she can’t die.

Familiars in his area can be killed and have been for years as sport. Due to magic in his area being illegal to practice, magic creatures and magicians alike were hunted and “prized” when captured and, eventually, killed. 

Lizzir Jr. (or “liz”) however, can’t be harmed or killed off. Thanks to this, Marvin has found numerous ways to include her in his shows and even his fights, using her “flames” to trap his opponent or distract them. 

Their bond is unbreakable- Lizzie Jr., although a caring and friendly nature, would never come to respect or live someone as much as Marvin. And Marvin (with the exception of Jackie ;3) would never find a more loyal and outstanding companion. 

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My (somewhat late) contribution to JSE Tumblr for Valentine’s Day

I may have drawn a little too much inspiration from Howl lol
