#jaehee really means everything to me



Just thinking about Jaehee Kang looking at old pictures and not being able to recognize herself. She ruefully runs her hand through her hair and tries not to linger on the unpleasant thought that she has lost herself somewhere along the way.

Thinking about her bonding with the newest RFA member, despite being so hesitant at the beginning. You understand her in a way that nobody has before, and she can’t help but confide in you, especially as things at work start to get hard and her doubts become harder to ignore.

Her finally working up the courage to quit her job at C&R, reveling in her newfound freedom. That idea in the back of her mind is becoming more real now: her very own cafe. And now it’s joined with the hope of it becoming your cafe, something to do together. She can’t imagine moving forward in her life without you with her.

During a late night study session at her house (these have become more common recently), you point out how her hair keeps falling into her eyes. Without a second thought, you brush it off her face and tuck it behind her ear. Her cheeks burn and she stumbles over reading the next line in the text.

You’re settled together on her sofa, in the middle of a musical marathon, when she offhandedly mentions not knowing how to style her hair at this awkward length. She hadn’t intentionally started growing it out, but she hasn’t bothered to go get it cut since life got busy. You ask her if you can try something, and end up spending the rest of the evening playing with her hair. By the end of the DVD, she has two little pigtails. You call her cute and the word keeps ringing in her mind long after you’ve fallen asleep.

For the grand opening of the cafe, you surprise her with a selection of hairbands and clips, all in colours matching the aprons you both wear. She wears them immediately and beams every time she receives a compliment on them.

She slowly gains the courage to experiment with her personal style. You pore over magazines and make pinterest boards of styles that appeal to her. You go on shopping trips and spend nights in playing with different looks. She goes out of her comfort zone and has more fun than she has in a long time.

On early mornings when she’s still tired, you offer to do her hair for her. She can’t remember the last time someone took care of her like this. Secretly, she loves it.

It’s two years after she first quit when she absentmindedly looks in the mirror and realizes that her hair is mostly grown out. It brushes past her shoulders, able to be tied back and styled however she wishes. Without her realizing it, time has flown by.

Just thinking about Jaehee Kang feeling content and fulfilled for the first time in her life. Thinking about her finally feeling like herself. 
