
               [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Aug 27               DE:CODE (디코드)              < ENIG

              [ ]ROYAL ENT @royalent • Aug 27
               DE:CODE (디코드)
              < ENIGMA > TEASER IMAGES

              #신재 #Sinjae 

              2020.09.01 TUE 6PM

#DE:CODE #디코드 #CanYouFeelIt #감이_오지

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every single time she ran into jaehyun, this is what happened.

shiah always found herself slipping, falling, hurting herself, just doing something clumsy and embarrassing. it’s like he was a bad omen or something. his presence just poofed a whole bunch of banana peels into existence and shiah suffered. she was supposed to be a coordinated dancer, too, so this was just really bad for her image. jaehyun must have thought she was a joke at this point. 

“h-hi jaehyun…” she whimpers out from her spot on the ground, currently face planted and not planning on moving any time soon. she groans in pain, hoping the world could just swallow her up and be done with it at this point. she rolls onto her back, sighing out with puffed up cheeks. “man, why is it always around you, huh? i always fall or do something stupid when we see each other. are you doing this to me on purpose?” 

