#jaeyoon drabble


Your body jumped as you shuffled in the bed once again, coming face to face with Jaeyoon. You were sure that he was fast asleep, flinching as soon as you saw that his eyes were open, coupled with a weak smile on his face too.

It took a few moments to settle as his hand reached underneath the duvet for yours, intertwining it in with your hand and holding onto you tightly. Whilst you were sure that he was sleeping, Jaeyoon had heard you toss and turn beside him for most the night.

He had tried his best to ignore it, hoping that you were just having a tricky time getting comfortable. But as he began to hear you sniffle too, he knew that he couldn’t just sleep through it, opening his eyes and watching you until you turned over.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

Your head shook as a lump ran down your throat, fearing how late into the night it was. Your mind was clouded, body heavy and weighed down with pressure coming at you from all sorts of angles, not giving you the chance to rest.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you,” was all that you could say in reply to Jaeyoon, knowing just how busy he was too. “If I’m keeping you up then I can always go and sleep on the sofa, give you the chance to rest properly.”

You were barely allowed to move before Jaeyoon pulled you further into him instead, moving his arm to wrap around you to keep you secure in his side. He knew that you were struggling, refusing to let you struggle alone.

Ever since you came home from work that evening, Jaeyoon knew that plenty was on your mind. You talked to him about everything, and as you began to tell him about how snowed under you were at work, he knew that it meant you beating yourself up for it.

His eyes never moved from watching you as you turned onto your side to be able to look across at him properly. His smile was soft, reassuring you that there was nothing to worry about when you were with him, that he would look after you.

“It’ll be alright,” he whispered once you had settled.

“It doesn’t feel that way right now,” you huffed, dropping your head to rest against Jaeyoon’s shoulder, “it feels like a mountain that’ll just keep growing.”

“I promise you that that’s not going to happen,” Jaeyoon replied, keeping his voice nice and calm around you. “I’m not going to let that happen to you Y/N, it shouldn’t be happening to the point where you can’t even sleep.”

He hated the pressure that came at you from work, wishing at times that he could do all of it for you, just to make life much easier for you.

“You’re busy too,” you reminded Jaeyoon, “you’ve probably got enough on your plate as it is.”

“None of that is as important to me as you are though,” he chimed.

A soft chuckle came from you as Jaeyoon managed to find all of the right words to comfort you and reassure you. He didn’t care how late it was, how much he needed sleep, all that he was worried about was taking care of you.

It hurt him knowing that you were suffering, it was horrible for him to see that you weren’t able to sleep, when he knew that sleep was what you needed the most deep down.

Jaeyoon continued to watch you as a trail of soft sighs escaped you, trying your best to keep it together. “Don’t fret,” he told you as your expression began to turn slightly panicked.

Your head nodded as Jaeyoon guided you, listening to the calmness in his voice and using it to try and relax yourself, trusting in everything that Jaeyoon had to say.

“Thank you for always helping me,” you suddenly told Jaeyoon once you settled, “even though it’s probably about three in the morning.”

“The time doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is you Y/N.”

“What about work? You can’t show up at work exhausted tomorrow,” you continued to try and argue, but Jaeyoon quickly quietened you back down again.

None of it mattered to him, no matter how much you fretted that it would. He meant it when he told you that you were his priority, as much as he cared about work, he cared about you too, and especially your wellbeing.

“We can lay here wide awake all night long if you can’t fall asleep,” Jaeyoon told you, “maybe we could watch something, try and distract you for a little while?”

“You know that you really don’t have to do all of this for me Jaeyoon.”

“But I want to,” he proudly smiled in reply to you, “you always help me out, so when you need help too, I should always be there to support you and encourage you.”

Your smile turned up appreciatively, “if you start yawning at work tomorrow, I’m going to make sure that all of the boys know that you’re yawning because it’s your own fault.”

Jaeyoon knew that the boys would understand, they worried about you like he did. You were close with every single one of them, best friends almost, whenever they knew you were having a hard time, they loved helping Jaeyoon to try and cheer you up.

“Do you want to tell me more about what’s going on at work?” Jaeyoon offered to you, “anything that you feel like might be easier on you if you talk about it, or is there anything that you think that I might be able to help you with?”

“It’s just the usual stuff,” you smiled back to Jaeyoon, “the usual everyone presuming that I’m there to do everything and they can get away with doing nothing.”

“Is there not someone that you can talk about this too?” He enquired, “don’t you have people around who can tell others to pull their weight for a change?”

“You’d think that they would, but they don’t.”

A sigh came from Jaeyoon as he pressed yet another kiss the top of your head. More than anything he wanted for you to go get out of there, but he knew that it wasn’t that easy for you, that office had been your place for years.

“How about I grab my laptop?” Jaeyoon proposed as you shuffled slightly in his hold, “haven’t we got the latest episode of Seokwoo’s drama to catch up on?”

“Are you really sure that you want to watch that at three in the morning?” You frowned across to Jaeyoon. Before he could even respond, he had bent down and picked his laptop up from underneath his side of the bed.

“If you’re going to have a sleepless night, then we’re both going to have a sleepless night,” Jaeyoon promised you, “I’d much rather be awake and keep an eye on you than sleep and worry about how you are.”

“You’re too good to me sometimes.”

“I’m to you as you are to me,” Jaeyoon corrected, “maybe that’s why the two of us make such a good team when we’re together.”

“We’re the best team in the world.”

