#jafar x reader


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song: switzerland - the sonder bombs
- Nothing short of charming
- I mean, come on, we’ve all seen how well he can flirt
- He knows exactly how to treat a significant other
- But, the king of Sindria would prefer that your relationship is kept quiet, for both your safety and his image
- With that being said, Sinbad tries to tone down the flirting with other people, and makes sure it doesn’t go too far
- When he has to flirt in order to extract information or to fulfill a mission, he will always notify you and make sure you know the person in question means nothing to him

“Y/N,” Sinbad murmured, his voice muffled as he traced his soft lips over the expanse of your knuckles. You hummed in response, worry creasing your brows slightly. His voice had taken on that serious tone, the one your companion reserved only for important missions related to protecting Sindria.

With your acknowledgement of his words, Sinbad leaned back, his honeyed eyes glowing almost as brightly as the hearth that burned across from where you two were seated. The texture of the red velvet couch against your skin was comforting, and you busied yourself with poking at it while you awaited your answer.

“I’m going to have to flirt with Princess Kougyoku, to be sure that she is willing to stay on and help Sindria.”

The statement was to be expected, of course. Deep down you knew that such action would be required. But you couldn’t help the twist of your lips into a small frown. You only wished that Sinbad could publicly shower you in affection like he has done to many others, but you knew that such desires were not to be met. It would put both you and him in danger. Once he examined your expression, the amethyst haired man let out an amused huff, lifting your wrist up to his mouth and beginning to press careful kisses against it.

“I can promise that you are the only one for me, dearest.”


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song: ghost stories - narcissist cookbook
- He is so, so sweet
- The most respectful ever
- Nothing but kind to you
- Gosh he cherishes you so much
- Ja’far is also very concerned with you taking care of yourself, and thus is attentive to your needs and your health
- Due to his past, he is also very very overprotective and tries to keep an eye on you whenever he can
- His scarier side comes out only when your safety is in jeopardy

The soft creaking of your floor didn’t wake you, only making you shift slightly before returning to the deep depths of unconsciousness. This caused a small chuckle to leave the mass of darkness creeping towards your bed, his blade glinting in the moonlight filtering through your slightly open curtains. Unbeknownst to you, your life was about to end. Raising the knife, the stranger only spared you a glance before swinging it down.

Just before the weapon could touch you, one rope situated with a blade wrapped around it, the other curling around the form, simultaneously yanking both backwards. The male tumbled back, rolling out of the room while his assailant quickly but silently closed the door. He began to struggle against his restraints, before realizing that doing so only tightened them and brought the pointy end dangerously close to his jugular vein. 

Before the villain could open his mouth and forcefully inquire about his captor, he was interrupted by the violent and fearful shudder that ran down his spine while he met the man’s gaze. The coal black eyes seemed soulless, but within them lay the fire of murderous intent.

“An amateur assassin. It’s pitiful, really,” Ja’far muttered, his voice taking on a mocking lilt as he slowly bent to eye level with the tied up male. The aforementioned fire in his eyes lit brighter, burning into a bonfire of blazing mal intent.

“I’m going to make you pay for that little stunt. How dare you make an attempt on Y/N’s life.”


song: summer snow - dawson hallow
- Masrur is extremely gentle with you
- All his life, his hands have been used to deliver swift punishment to those who deserve it
- Never have they held something like you, something so fragile and something that was meant to be cherished
- He is honestly afraid he will break you
- Very rarely speaks, more prefers to show his love through actions and the occasional smile and appraisal
- Because he constantly worries about you, and because he knows how breakable normal people are, a lot of the time he brings you to train with him
- Even though the Fanalis is perfectly capable of protecting you himself, and loves doing so, it eases his mind to know that if he were incapacitated for whatever reason, you would be capable enough to hold your own

You lifted the wooden sword you had been gifted with ease. In the blink of an eye, you had laid a flurry of attacks on the man towering over you, and even though he blocked them all, the pace at which you had delivered them allowed for some space to be made between you. After a few seconds of pause, you launched forward again, bringing the tool down with everything you could muster. The wood cracked in half with the force of Masrur’s forearm as he blocked it. 

The action sent both of you into a stunned silence, the only sound coming from your heavy gulps of air while you attempted to catch your breath. An amused expression washed over your countenance as you scanned over the pile of about twenty broken swords sitting beside the training grounds.

It wasn’t the Fanalis’s fault that he was so strong. Your weapon of choice was a sword, and thus, when you were to train with him you had to use the wooden ones. It was number twenty-one of the broken swords from this month. Still struggling to breathe normally, you tossed the tool into the ever growing pile, drawing your gaze back to your boyfriend.

Splayed across his lips was a soft smile, his crimson eyes gentle in the light of the setting sun. This expression was one he saved solely for you, and the thought alone brought more warmth to your chest than a fire ever had.

“You did well today, Y/N.”


