#jake jensen x you



Friends with Sweatshirt Benefits (2/?)

(GIF by the talented @chrisevansedits)

Pairings: collegehockeyplayer!Jake Jensen x female reader

Warnings: Yenzy being ridiculously soft and cute, mention of legal age binge drinking, explicit sexual content- making out and groping, light nudity, explicit language, friends with benefits (must be 18+)

Word Count: ~1.5K

A/N: I just needed a little super soft Yenzy today ❤️

Not beta read. All mistakes are my own.

Yenzy x y/n

Lucky Charms: hockey AU

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YENZY IS SO CUTE OH MY GOD and when he insists that she wear his hoodie dbxujwdbshdud something about wearing your man’s clothing just makes my heart flutter so much and with HIS name and HIS number???

“Just… wear it, please?”

“Anything for you, Jake”

and he is such a sweetheart and shy baby and I just wanna tease him all day and ahhhhhhh he is just so adorable

I LOVE IT!!!!!!! YENZY GIRL NEEDS A NICKNAME TOO!!! perhaps… peach



My Best Friend, Jensen {part 3}

Pairings:Jake Jensen x female reader, Sarah Jensen (Jake’s older sister) x Hannah Jensen (Jake’s niece) x reader

Warnings: explicit language, child cursing- accidentally, pining, idiots in love but not knowing it, adults talking of getting laid (not around child), possibly poor decision making, slow burn (must be 18+)

Word Count:2.3K

A/N:I don’t actually know what Jensen’s sister and niece are named. I just made it up.

This is not beta read. All mistakes are my own.

My Best Friend, Jensen masterlist

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Thank you for sharing ❤️


Icy Lockdown

Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader, Jake Jensen x F!Reader

Summary: Your boyfriend Ransom’s jealousy of lumberjacks triggers a impromptu vacation to a ski resort. Everything goes well until Ransom’s cockiness ends up with them stranded on the side of the road. Not to worry, Jake to the rescue.

Word Count: 5247

Warning: 18+, smut, praise, slight dirty talk, facesitting, threesome, choking, tied up by Christmas lights, Ransom being a douche, double penetration, creampie, cuckholding.

A/N: This is my submission for the Happy Hoeliday Challenge hosted by @navybrat817@drabblewithfrannybarnes&@stargazingfangirl18 . Sorry that this is slightly late and I hope you ladies enjoy it. Beta’d by @whisperlullaby, thank you lovely❤ but all my mistakes are still my own. I’ve never written Jake before so everyone be nice to me hehe

if you’re a minor, please DNI!

Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)

You sat on the plush chair with your legs dangling off the arm, reading the newest trashy novel you’d picked up. You bit your lip as the lumberjack bent the main character over the porch railing, and dropped to his knees to eat her out from behind. The image was tantalizing and you wished you had a rugged lumberjack of your own to act out your fantasies with. Ransom was a great boyfriend and you loved him but he was never much into the roleplay side of things.

A quiet groan fell from your lips as you continued reading when suddenly your book was pulled from your grip. You let out a sound of protest, reaching out after the novel. Ransom loomed over you, book in hand, reading over the page.

He clicked his tongue in distaste, “I’m offended, Kitten. Came over here to find out what has you squirming in your seat like a dog in heat and I find out it’s over some lame lumberjack,” He scolded, “Is this what you want, baby? Am I not doing it for you anymore?”

His voice was teasing but his face was cold, eyes filled with jealousy. He was clearly bothered by this situation and you wanted to quip about all the women he ogled in front of you on a near regular basis. Frankly, you didn’t care if he did, he never did anything about it and sometimes you enjoyed joining in on the ogling but it was the only leverage you had at the moment. 

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Simply amazing.

…… If you know you know
