#jakes story though




Pairing: Marc/Steven/Jake x Fem!Reader

Summary: In the midst of a panic attack, the moon boys help you through it.

TW/CW: descriptions of a panic attack, anxiety, highly emotional, fluff

A/N: I’m sorry I’ve been absent, but ya girl has been going through it this week. I hope you’ll take this little drabble I wrote after a bad night and that maybe it could help someone that also struggles with anxiety/grounding. Currently working on Part 2 of El Amor Duele, so be looking out for that soon ♡


“I just need you to breathe,” Marc said with persistence, holding onto your shoulders. “That’s it, that’s all I’m asking, baby. Just a big, deep breath,” he said more gently this time.

You struggled but eventually took a large, shaky inhale that turned into a stuttering, audible exhale.

“There we go,” he said as he traced his fingers up and down your shoulder blades. “Can you do one more for me?” He asked, to which you quickly shook your head no, feeling another huge sob building in your chest.

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Ighh this made me feel hugged. I love it
