#james biela


Brianna Zunino Denison was a 19-year-old psychology student from California.
Brianna was last seen alive on 20th January 2008 at her friend’s house near the University of Nevada Campus, she was staying there after attending a party nearby. At 9 am, Brianna’s friend woke up and could not find her, a small bloodstain on the pillow Brianna had used led the friend to worry and contact the police and Brianna’s parents immediately. Brianna had left her phone, shoes and clothes inside the home and was wearing only a tank top and slacks.
A search for Brianna began, the blood was found to be Brianna’s and touch DNA belonging to an unidentified male was found on the doorknob and the couch where Brianna had been sleeping. Worryingly the DNA was linked with at least two previous sexually motivated attacks in the area within the last few months.
On 15th February that year, Brianna’s body was found lying in a ditch under tree branches. She had ligature marks on her neck and had been strangled with women’s underwear. The autopsy also confirmed she had been raped.
On 25th November, James Michael Biela, 27, was arrested and charged with murder, sexual assault and first-degree kidnapping. His DNA was taken and matched to the DNA found at the crime scene. Biela had also sold his truck and his girlfriend had found women’s underwear in his truck previously that did not belong to her.
Biela was found guilty of all charges relating to Brianna and sentenced to the death penalty. He was also found guilty of two additional counts of rape and kidnap involving two other victims. Biela had attempted to appeal his death sentence, but it was last upheld in June 2019.
