#james keziah delaney fic


Upon Darkened Shores - Chapter Fifteen.

Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen

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Words - 3,092

Warnings - 18+ content! Minors DNI!!

“How, I must ask, did you become so talented as a lover? You are naturally gifted, I feel. You must have left a throng of very satisfied women in your wake,” Delilah asked, lying with her head upon his chest in his messy, blanket entangled bed after their second lustful exchange of the afternoon.  

“I shall answer that question in two parts. The first part is that no, I was not naturally gifted. I was taught well, though, by a woman I was with during my time in Africa. Before her, I see that I was mostly a clumsy, boorish oaf where satisfying a woman was concerned. As for a throng of women, no again.”

“How many?”

He held up his hand, indicating five. “Oh no, actually. Six now, counting you.”

“Tell me about them,” she requested, propping her head onto her palm as she looked down at him, idly stroking his chest.  

“The first was the scullery maid, the second her daughter.”

“James!” she cried, looking shocked. “How scandalous!”

“It was, yes. My father was not pleased at me for that. The third…” He trailed off there, seeing Zilpha’s face in his mind, “I would rather not discuss. The fourth was Makosi, the woman who taught me the skills I now possess, and the fifth was a whore in Portugal. As a lady, I do not expect for you to reveal the same to me, in case you wondered.”

She thought it sweet of him to say that, but had no qualms about sharing. “I do not mind at all. Two before you. The first was Jack, our stable boy back when I lived in Victoria, when my father was still alive. Oh, he would have tanned his hide, had he ever found out of our clandestine romps in the hay!” she began, chuckling at the memory of her first passions, and a very prickly bottom because of them. “And then second, obviously Charles. Tell me, though, why do you not wish to speak of the third?”

He felt uncomfortable suddenly, Delilah reading it well, moving her hand to his face. “The memory brings you distress. I can feel it.”

“It was very complicated,” he began, none too sure how she would react to the revelation. “And I confess, I fear your judgement.”  

She smiled, kissing him softly. “I am not that kind of woman, James.”

“You might be, after hearing it.”  

She could only wonder what on earth his secret entailed, if he thought she might pass judgement upon him for revealing it.

James pondered it for a few moments, contemplative, wondering if she would still look at him in the same way once she knew. He supposed there was but one way to discover that. “She was my half-sister. We began a secretive affair. We were very young, too young, in fact. Too young to know it was wrong, although we both likely did beneath. I did love her, for a long, long time, but when I returned to her, back to England, she was not the same.  

“She was not the person I had left, and me, I was no longer the same either. I used to believe that we were the same person, but I was mistaken. Time and life, it had changed us both. I know now that it was not right, to find myself in the grips of an incestuous romance, I very much see that with clear eyes, although the memory of her is one which haunts me. The ghost of her, has haunted me.”

“You speak of her as if she is no longer here,” Delilah stated, James a little rocked by the fact that was her only reaction to a piece of information so scurrilous.  

“She is not. She took her own life. Zilpha was a miserable woman, and in order to let herself out of that misery, suicide was the path she chose to take.”

“I am sorry, that her ending was so tragic.”

“That is your only take from this? Are you not somehow shocked or repulsed by my confession?” he asked, knowing that others would be.  

She shrugged, unphased. “I personally would not entertain such a relationship with a sibling, but it isn’t unheard of. It is quite common within royalty and the gentry, for example, for purification of the bloodlines. I do not necessarily condone it, but I do not judge you for it either.”

Her words were like a soothing elixir to him, one he was in no hurry to quit drinking in. “You are a rare breed, Delilah.”

“Quite right.” She laughed softly, kissing him again. She hated to check, put looking to where she had placed her pocket watch upon the tea chest, she saw that lamentably, she had to be on her way. “It pains me to reveal it, but I must be going. Know that I truly do not want to, though.”  

Nor did he, James making his protest known by pulling her back against his chest, Delilah giggling softly. “Spare me just a few more moments.” The kiss he gave her, she was utterly powerless to fight against.  

“For you, I have a few of those.” They drank one another in for those precious few minutes, James letting her finally leave his arms with much reluctance, more of it washing over him as he watched her ride away from his camp, sighing, only left with the scent of her all over him.  

“You’ve spent all afternoon corrupting that lovely young thing, haven’t you?” Bill asked, arriving at his side.  

“Do you envy such?”

“Yeah, I bloody do, you lucky ole’ dog,” his friend revealed, giving him a shove with his shoulder, James chuckling deeply.  

“That I am, Bill. Now, shall we go and inspect the cabins? I notice we are close to having rooves fully erected,” he spoke, Atticus arriving with them.

“They ain’t the only things that got fully erected this afternoon, either.”  

“Watch your tongue.”

“Why? Is yours worn out?” Bill positively guffawed at that, Atticus looking pleased with himself.  

“You will not speak of a lady in such a manner.” James warned, although the amused look upon his face betrayed him somewhat.  

“She weren’t much of a lady earlier. I could hear her repeatedly screaming the word fuck right the way down at the shore!”  


“Just think of it though, old lad, the smugness you’ll be able to feel next time you see Charles Simpson, knowing you’ve had your tired tongue right up his wife’s…”

“Enough.” He interrupted, but couldn’t help but laugh too, Atticus taking his face in his hands and kissing his forehead, slapping his back heartily, the three beginning to walk toward the cabins. Thinking on Atticus’s words, though, James knew he would take a certain amount of delight in recalling everything he had done with his wife, the next time he’d encounter Charles in the flesh.  

It would not be for a while, though, the news delivered to him that afternoon by Delilah that her husband was shortly to depart to Victoria on business, where he would be gone for a month. They had planned for him to visit in the night to Simpson mansion three night’s from then, once all of the house staff were asleep, Delilah meeting him at the French windows and pulling him inside.  

“You do not have to be quiet. I cast a charm, meaning that no one within the house will stir, nor hear a sound. I thought it best, since when I am with you, I seem to have quite the habit of making much noise,” she told him, taking him by the coat lapels and pulling him close, exchanging wanton kisses with him.  

“Perhaps for the best.” He replied, hands all over her. “For I do intend to make you howl the house down.” Lifting her over his shoulder, he gave her a few smacks on the bum, Delilah squealing with mirth as he carried her through the house, directing him to her bedroom. He placed her upon the bed, Delilah reaching for him after he had shed his boots, socks and coat, unfastening his belt and letting his trousers fall to his ankles. His rigid cock sprang free at once, and oh, how she loved that he did not wear undergarments. The faster she could reach male perfection, the better.  

“All I have been able to think of today has been this,” she began, grasping him, slowly running her tongue up the thick vein on the underside of his bulky shaft. “Having you within my mouth.” She enveloped him wholly, James closing his eyes tightly, a rumbling groan echoing through his chest. His hand skimmed through her tresses, curling at her neck, stroking her softly as he watched his cock disappear into her throat once more.  

Feeling him growing harder within her mouth had pleasure pooling within her, Delilah moaning softly around him, sending tingles throughout every inch of his cock, popping it free as she grasped the base, her tongue circling in twirls right over the tip. His hips juddered in response, his hand fisting in her hair and tugging lightly, his insides glowing with the ecstasy she evoked with her talents.  

He pulsed strongly in her throat, Delilah tightening her lips around him, squeezing and releasing the pressure all the way back up his shaft slowly, the noise he made in response all deep gravel, arrowing straight to her cunt. She added her hand to drag the length of him, following her mouth up and down, squeezing the base while her tongue ran back and forth over the head of him, making his hips buck against her deft grip.  

He felt himself starting to escalate rapidly, overwhelmed by the sparks she ignited within him. Quite simply, it was the best blowjob he’d ever received. She knew exactly how to harness a man’s pleasure.  His chest began to rise and fall faster, his arousal growing exponentially, his heart starting to beat more rapidly as his hands tangled in her hair. She sensed it, moving her mouth quicker upon him, chasing him to the finish he felt throbbing in heated waves through his groin, a guttural groan the precursor to him spilling into the back of her throat, her nails running down his back at the exact same time guaranteeing his release was even sweeter.  

He caught his breath, stroking her top lip as she looked up at him, slightly flushed, so beautiful his chest throbbed. “Get on your fucking back.”  

“Yes, sir.” she purred, watching him remove his shirt before his body covered hers, burying his mouth as the side of her neck.  

“For that, you shall be eaten alive, young lady.”

“You make it sound like such would be unwelcome.”

He smirked, tongue gliding over her tattoos. “It might be, for I plan to have my mouth around your cunt for so long over the course of the night, you will be begging me to stop.”

She wasn’t convinced that such a prospect would illicit that kind of response. Especially not after feeling him take that first, hungry suck at her. “So pretty.” He murmured, looking at her closely, thumbing the hood of her clit to make it stand out before beginning to flick his tongue over it in a slow beat. Her blissful gasp as he did so tore a shiver right through him, her hands coming to rest as the sides of his head, nails trailing over his shortly shaved hair.  

Sucking at her gently, he groaned happily, the taste of her like sharp honey against his tongue, letting her go with a little pop and a happy rumble of laughter. 

“What is amusing?” she asked.

“I think I had begun to forget just how much I enjoyed doing this. It’s been a while.”

“I can imagine you left the Portuguese whore extremely satisfied.”

He snorted a little, looking up at her. “Yes. She almost paid me.”

She couldn’t help but burst into laughter, trying to calm herself again but having no such luck, giggling away until the ministrations of his mouth made her mirth subside, evoking nothing but the softest, sweetest moans once more. Her back arched in response to him slipping two fingers into her heat, pushing firmly, trawling in and out of her soaking centre as his tongue circled at her bud.  

Kissing his way back up her body, she felt warmth coiling beneath her skin, moving so she was side on to him, her hands trawling his broad chest as his mouth reached her throat. The pleasure was biting and all-consuming, Delilah quaking against him as the heat fizzed right through to her bones, overcome by him and his substantial prowess.  

A gruff grunt poured from his mouth to hers as they kissed hungrily, her walls fluttering around his fingers, his cock sumptuously rigid against her stomach. Her hand moved to assist with that, squeezing his shaft, her thumb stroking the head, spreading seeping pre cum around.  

His hips tremored, his fingers digging inside her harder, her mouth at his neck, gently nipping at the broad column, James clasping her face to return her mouth to his before pausing to gaze at her. She was so beautiful to him. It made the moment exponentially more intimate, torridness rolling through them as they resumed those fiery kisses once more.  

The drag of his fingertips against her walls jolted her, his cock keen against her hand, seeping onto her hip as she pulled at his shaft deftly. Lowering his head, he gently bit at the stiffened peaks of her nipples, tongue swiping a line up her chest, over her neck and into her mouth again.  

He kissed her slow and dirty, a brief, rumbled moan vibrating through his throat, hardness twitching in her grasp. Pulling his fingers from her, she fluttered around the emptiness, guiding him to her entrance, her mouth falling agape when he pushed to fill her.  

Biting his lip, she felt herself yield to him, crying out softly at the glimmers evoked from such a delicious stretch around his girth. It made his insides throb, such a helpless little gasp, his lips crushing against hers, tongues swirling, her arms clasping around him tightly as he turned her onto her back. He moved within her skilfully, making pleasure streak up her spine, her legs bracketing his waist, squeezing hard.  

With his cock dragging sparks through her walls, his breathing heavy against her neck, her nails trawling red marks down his back to join the others she often inflicted upon him, their bodies rocked together sublimely in grinding, heated union, the air heavy with the sounds of their lust. It might only have been their third occasion together, but for Delilah, the intimacy between them was unmatched. She truly connected with him, more than physically.  

This was no more apparent than when he began to chant, words to add to the moment, evoking the energies between them, the eroticism growing, Delilah joining him as through the vodun, their arousal bloomed even more wildly. Using magic during sex was a first for her, and by the Loa, was it magmatic. That energy conjured, coursing through them, it did nothing but escalate.  

As he thrust into her with more intent behind his movements, she felt herself entwining with him, the magic of her spirit finding his, winding around it, like two ropes coiling around one another. She was vaguely aware of a storm beginning outside, the thunder rolling over the clouds as a low rumble, her bedroom flashing with blue light as rain pattered against the windows.

As the storm grew in ferocity outside, as did what they shared within, the bed creaking beneath them as they enjoyed one another with wild hunger, Delilah marvelling at his stamina. Jack had been quick as a typical overexcited teenager, and Charles only lasting for as long as it took for him to reach his bliss. She only ever orgasmed with him if she instigated such. With James, he would have her crying out the waves of her torrid release long before he reached his.

This was especially true whenever she was atop him, as she had moved to, the depth, the angle of his thick cock inside her had her screaming as she threw her head back, his teeth sharp at her nipple, fingers dug in at her back as he fucked up into her with sharp snaps of his hips, slowing in the aftermath, letting her roll against him slowly as she shook, seeking his lips again, all quivery and flushed.

Their bodies were blooming with incandescence, the hot velvet clutch of her cunt spasming around him as her crest ebbed away. That viscid clench made him tremble, Delilah watching his abs judder as she looked down at him, drinking him in, remembering just how perfect he looked beneath her. She had never seen a man more exquisitely attractive than James.

The sky flickered again as she leaned forward and kissed him, thunder booming as the storm gathered momentum, the pace of their union still slow and rolling, like a tempest, both still chanting in whispers to one another. She was liquid heaven around him, gently fluttering as she undulated against him, her nails trailing his chest over the thick, dark blocks of tattoos, making his skin break out into goosepimples among the scars, the reminders he carried with him of the past.

She seeped over him like a mist rolling through a valley, ensnaring his senses, so blinding that all he could see and feel was her, this moment, hands clasped to her back as his head dipped to suck her tits with a hungry grumble. He was tingling though each shiver, his muscles cording, heat sizzling up his spine as her slow roll entranced him, fucking him into the bed thoroughly.

He reached between them, thumb stretching to her clit and beginning to circle, watching her eyes further dilate, inky and lusty, her forehead resting to his as she panted and wailed.  

With Charles gone for a month, she planned to enjoy this with him as much as humanly possible. Not that her husband was on her mind at all, as her lover made her cum for the third time that night, not stopping until he’d made her see the heavens many more times, before they finally exhausted themselves into a deep sleep, the storm outside still strong in the night’s sky as they slept in one another’s arms.  

A/N - Now, here’s the really, really important part. Did you enjoy it? If so, please don’t just redundantly click that heart. Reblog it. Also, I love to engage with my readers, so a little comment would not go amiss either! Doesn’t have to be long, just reach out. I’m all about building community here and there is nothing more lovely than readers and writers supporting one another!
