#james vincent mcmorrow

Give Me Five - Sash from The Deltahorse Gives Us his Top 5 tracks Berlin based Sash, from The Deltah

Give Me Five - Sash from The Deltahorse Gives Us his Top 5 tracks

Berlin based Sash, from The Deltahorse (whose track Hey Yuri we featured a few days ago) took to the Give Me Five mission with great gusto. Here are the five tracks that he chose as ones to look out for, with a few tantalising words to describe each one.

James Vincent McMorrow - Red Dust

Staggeringly beautiful and uplifting.

Jungle - Lucky I Got What I Want

Remarkably strict yet chilled, soulful vocals.

Avid Dancer - Stop playing With My Heart

A great slice of guttural, primal blues-rock. Just kidding… this has got such an awesome heartbreak swagger to it.

The Blue Ruin - Baby

All great Rock’n’Roll goes in the red … and this does.

Zeba - P.A.I.N.

Sexiness is a warm gun

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Booking tickets to see this man in Feb. Exciting.

Booking tickets to see this man in Feb. Exciting.

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Just because this also needed sharing

So exciting! Post Tropical
