


^ TheKathrynnnLaura hilariously describes her first life drawing class


^ JamieVSTheUniverse & friends go on a snow covered countryside walk. I believe sheep are also involved; if that’s your sort of thing.


^ Brand new channel “The Brain Scoop”’s first proper video and it’s a blinder. Presenter Emily Graslie guides us along the halls of skulls, bones, pelts and assorted curable things with skill and grace.

It’s also incredibly funny so don’t worry if you were avoiding this one on the basis of morbidness.


^ Louna Maroun expounds upon the phenomenon known as “Gym People”, if you’ve joined a gym to get fit this January this one is for you.

Or if you haven’t and just like laughing at people who could stand to lay off the weights for a while this one is especially for you.


^ Anyone in their twenties and living in a city might do well to stay away from this if they want to keep their sense of self identity intact because, well….you’re probably a hipster.


^ Finally, Lex Croucher has a little something for all you Hobbit fans coming down from your 12th cinema viewing.
