


I saw this pic on Twitter and I immediately thought janaya.


title:the point of brunch | words: 4.8k | rating: m | part two of the sarai finds out au | inspired by @iateawasp ’s fanart

They were having dinner in Amaya’s place. She had invited Janai over for the night, a Friday night no less, and while Janai initially suggested they could go out for supper, Amaya had insisted she had already prepared some.

The soft light of the kitchen brightened Janai’s eyes as she scooped the remains of her meal. “Did I tell you about that time I took my brother to a rock concert?”



title: just your neck, and my beloved | word count: 10.6k | tags: explicit sexual content, married life, post-canon, neck kissing, formalwear

The night is young, last reaching tendrils of burgundy and purple-slick sunlight staining the navy sky of Lux Aurea when Amaya appears at her elbow. Her wife has been mysteriously absent since the beginning of the gathering and Janai regards her curiously as she sips at the glass in her hand before setting it down to sign. ‘You’ve been slippery. Anything you’d like to share?’

‘No, nothing much.’

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iateawasp: (Amaya’s / Janai’s)Modern AU Janaya based on @rrunaan ‘s fic iateawasp: (Amaya’s / Janai’s)Modern AU Janaya based on @rrunaan ‘s fic 


(Amaya’s / Janai’s)

Modern AU Janaya based on @rrunaan ‘s fic 

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