#jane chatwin


I’m reading The Magicians, after watching some of the show, and I can’t believe Quentin is even more of an incel. 50 pages in and all he’s done is complain about Julia not loving him, complain about not being happy despite having everything, and complain about not having a shot with the paramedic\Jane Chatwin.

I liked show Quentin, but I’m actively rooting against this little book turd.


The above link leads to a discussion about the timeloops that Jane Chatwin started, and her general involvement and competence in the plot. And I have to say, this hits on a lot of points that I have been wrestling with myself.

As someone who hasn’t read the books, and has no additional information about the world that ‘The Magicians’ plays in, than what the tv series showed, I have to say that from a narrative stanpoint, it’s a mess.

And not a ‘it’s supposed to be this way and at one point all the different strings will lead to the bigger picture’ mess, but a whole, cluster fuck of a mess.

Why didn’t Jane Chatwin lay her cards on the table for the gang from the beginning?

Why didn’t she tell them what different ways to defeat the beast had already been tried, and failed?

Why didn’t Dean Fogg focus on getting the core group ready for the fight?

Why didn’t they try to warn the group about the danger in the first place?

Why couldn’t Jane use her power over time magic to save her siblings in the past?

Was Rupert Chatwin the little brother that was killed by Plover’s sister the night that Martin gave him the button? If so, then how was he a king of Fillory? Was he just a very young king, or was there another Chatwin sibling we just never saw?

If I didn’t like the characters so much, I would have written the series off as bad story telling and never continued watching after the first season.
