#jane x garrus

fiannans:Words fail to express how much I adore this absolutely gorgeous YCH sketch commission of


Words fail to express how much I adore this absolutely gorgeous YCH sketch commission of Jane and Garrus by darling @ashalle-art.

Thank you so, so much for making my Shakarian wedding night dreams a reality! <3

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 Words fail to express how much I adore this absolutely gorgeous YCH sketch commission of Jane and G

Words fail to express how much I adore this absolutely gorgeous YCH sketch commission of Jane and Garrus by darling @ashalle-art.

Thank you so, so much for making my Shakarian wedding night dreams a reality! <3

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Thanks to everyone who’s tagged me recently! Today I bring you Garrus and Shepard blowing off steam in the Armax Arsenal Arena. ;)

Some suggestiveness, but nothing too spicy.

“Come on.” Garrus took her hand and pulled her across the arena determinedly, heading for one of the corners.

“What are you doing?” Shepard hissed, glancing up at the dozens of cameras still trained on them. Her boyfriend didn’t answer. Instead, he tugged her behind a large barricade programmed to look like a natural rock formation near the outer edge of the arena, crowding her up against it.

“Okay,” he said, checking his omni-tool. “None of the cameras should be able to see us here.”

“See us doing what?” she asked.

“This,” he said and seized her face with both hands, kissing her roughly. At first Shepard was too surprised to respond, but she quickly recovered and returned the gesture eagerly. Her fingers curled around the edge of his breastplate, pulling him closer as his long, dexterous tongue twined with hers. With a needy growl, he grabbed the back of her thigh and lifted up her leg, grinding his hips impatiently against hers through their armour.

Tagging@starsandskies,@sidhelives,@ashalle-art,@hobo-apostate,@charlatron,@a-shakespearean-in-paris,@perhapsrampancy & anyone else who wants to do it! <3
