#janstar child


Star Vs. the Forces of Evil fan kids. I was inspired to post these by the work of @moringmark

On mobile, no cut, sorry

Tomco kid; Diego Diaz-Lucitor

Hella gay for Guadalupe. Knows karate and demon fire, only uses it to look like a firebender from AtLA. Has Marco’s patient personality with Tom’s social anxiety.

Janstar kid; Guadalupe Butterfly

First born to the queens. Looks like Janna but with the fair Butterfly skin. Tall like Grandma Moon. Nickname, Lupe. Loves being a big brother. Knows Diego has a crush on him, thinks it’s endearing. Cat hat was a gift on his 12th birthday. Wand takes the shape of a baseball bat with the gem on the butt.

Janstar kid; Satin Ordonia

Born 11 years after her brother. Messy blond hair, will cry if anyone touches it. Only lets Lupe touch her hair. Accidental baby magic causes things around her to bend and twist, doesn’t effect the living. Proudly growing her first tooth.

It all started on Satin’s third birthday. Mewni had been at peace with the monsters for many years now, many sub-races started being made. One group did not like the peace.

A small section of Mewmans still refused to associate with monsters, so they stayed to themselves. They were shunned by fellow Mewmans and sought shelter in the demon realm. Demons had always had more respect than the monsters.

Even the demons wouldn’t house these Mewmans. Eventually the hateful group found safety with a band of skeletons.

Eventually disease spread between the groups. The Mewmans had a virus that had almost no effect on them, but it acted like rabies in the skeletons.

The skeletons incubated and mutated the virus within themselves unknowingly until it reached their brains. One night, they turned on the Mewmans and killed them.

The Mewmans got up again and joined the skeletons in their rage.

The virus could now infect the Mewmans with dire consequences. Their flesh would rapidly decay until they resembled the skeletons that killed them.

This virus spread fast through the smaller kingdoms and villages, claiming monsters and mewmans alike. No one was safe.

Star closed off the kingdom of Mewni, Hekapoo shut down all dimensional scissors, all travel was shut down until something could be done.

Lupe and Satin got separated from their mothers when the defenses fell. They were smuggled out of the kingdom by the Buff Babies (proud members of the royal guard).

They are told to find Hekapoo so she can get them to the safety of earth, that the queens will be brought to safety next. Lupe knows neither of his mothers would back down from a fight, so he starts on his journey to find Hekapoo and keep Satin safe.

They find Diego on the edge of the Lucitor kingdom, unconscious and in a river. Lupe sets up a camp nearby and makes sure Diego is alright and not infected.

They decide to get to earth together.

They discover there will be no chance of a cure for the virus when Satin’s magic ties one of the infected in a bow. The infected had no real life in them anymore.

Eventually they make it to the high commission and find Hekapoo. She agrees to send them to earth, but says she can’t risk them having a pair of her scissors. They got dropped off at Diego’s grandparent’s house and have no way of knowing if their parents are even alive.

Sorry, been on a zombie kick so the backstory took that path.
