#japanese screen



Found this picture in Nov, 1989, Japanese Screen magazine…

It says, “Even casual jacket and jeans can’t hide the elegance of James Wilby from the inside out! This time he brought us the movie A Summer Story. The upper class gentleman in the film is very suitable for the noble temperament of him. Besides, fans of Maurice will no doubt be exciting and looking forward to the film first show on TV in October.

<333@undinecissy I hope you’ve seen the open-shirted/lips-parted variant on this photo (clearly from the same shoot), in which James is posed next to a classical male statue (just in case anyone missed his beauty)? If not, you’re in for a treat. I bought a Hugh Grant Japanese fanbook to get it… :O

James is sunburnt as well as very open-shirted, making the ‘can’t hide the elegance … upper-class gentleman … noble temperament’ text even more amusing to me. ;)

As well as Mr Ashton in A Summer Story being (as already noted in this thread) a spineless cad, the Japanese Screenwriter might not have realised that this style of crushed linen ‘casual jacket and jeans’ and shirt without tie were almost an upper-middle-class-male English uniform in the mid-1980s. (See also James and Hugh in my Observer magazine scan, and the various shots of Hugh in an open-necked shirt/shorts/plimsolls at the 1987 Venice Film Festival.) Rupert, in contrast, isn’t from that background, and went for a very different Eighties style/s which and/or messed with anything ‘elegant’… [x] [x] [etc]

Maruyama ōkyo, Cracked ice, two-fold screen painting, 1750/1799more info

Maruyama ōkyo, Cracked ice, two-fold screen painting, 1750/1799
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