#japanese spitz


She is *finally* learning how to chill out in public without trying to greet everyone who passes by. Today we practiced on an empty patio at a nearby pub. Baby steps…

On today’s walk, Freyja valiantly protected me from this very threatening sign, despite the fact that she’s terrified of anything plastic and vaguely humanoid (mannequins, cardboard cutouts, etc.)

Please forgive the blurry photo but just look at her dumb face.

Freyja and I went on a thrilling adventure today to an empty parking lot across the street to visit the “snow” (i.e. the few inches of slush that Oregon gets once a year). Strangely she wasn’t as delighted as I expected from something this spectacular.

Official pillow quality inspector at work.

Freyja has strong feelings about kombucha.

I told Freyja she needed to pay rent, so she’s a plumber now.

First beach trip! She only tried to drink saltwater three or four times.

The last of the autumn leaves.

She’s not quite a lapdog, but she tries her best.
