#japanese urban legends

Making a repost from scratch because tumblr apparently hates Instagram.Today’s #ayokaiaday: thMaking a repost from scratch because tumblr apparently hates Instagram.Today’s #ayokaiaday: th

Making a repost from scratch because tumblr apparently hates Instagram.

Today’s#ayokaiaday: the oni the woman from the cursed Kleenex commercial gave birth to! It’s a deep cut!
Second image is from said commercial. I’ll elaborate a little more here than I did on Twitter. In 1985 there was a Kleenex commercial on Japanese television featuring a woman playing with a baby oni and a box of tissues while the song “It’s A Fine Day” plays eerily over it. It was such a weird commercial that rumors immediately sprung up about it being cursed. Ranging from the the face of the woman distorting if you watched the commercial after midnight, everyone involved in the making of the commercial dying in some horrible fashion, that the song in the commercial is German for “Die! Die! I’ll curse you till you die!” (which is clearly false to anyone who speaks English or German), and finally- the one that peaked my interest the most- that the actress who played the woman in the commercial gave birth to an oni baby.
So I thought “Well, if she gave birth to an oni naturally she would have to raise it and send it to kindergarten” and there you go!

Also, if you’re wondering, these are old sketches on a new background pattern to make them easier to post on Instagram. Well, not that new. I originally made it for my Setsubun comic.

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