#jason voorhees smut


bro my hands be shakin’ that’s how hard i am thinking about jason being my handsome good boy

just give me one night w him please pretty please i love his type of mama’s boys


Jason Voorhees x Reader

Words: 1600

Warning: Stockholm syndrome

Summary:Your dream vacation turned into a nightmare.

Every time the door opened, a chill ran down your spine. Every time you saw him, your stomach did turns.

He never hurt you, technically he never laid a wrong finger on you. It was his trap that got your foot, and you are still not sure if it was your mind making up scenarios or what was going on, but you clearly remember him just tearing the trap open, with his bare hands. You could recall how the metal sounded as it broke in his hands.

You were certain he was a monster, why else would he wear a mask?

You tried to could the days, but after a time you just couldn’t anymore. The chains around your wrists hurt as they rubbed against your soft skin.

But it was your fault. You couldn’t fault him for everything, you entered his property. Yes, you were only trying to take pictures of the old camp and the lake, but… still. You have been warned, you couldn’t say otherwise.

The old lady you tried to ask for directions were really clear.

“No one should ever go there! Leave that place and that boy alone!”

You assumed she was crazy, but now, now you were the crazy one. Locked in a cabin, chained to the wall, you were sure your mind was slowly dying.

If only he would let you out for a couple hours, minutes even! But you couldn’t ask, the huge machete he always had in his hands was troubling and also your ankle, it didn’t heal to the best. Sure, he tried his best, as far as you could tell, to heal you, but it wasn’t enough. It still hurt, but it did heal a great deal.

That was your only way of telling how much time you spent at the lake.

Then, one stormy evening, he forgot to bring you your dinner. You were really hungry, and cold. You tried to sleep but couldn’t.

During times like this, you tried to solve him, what happened to him, why was he alone, whowas he? Your mind making up all different scenarios/stories for this unknown man.

The old lady much know him, or heard about him since she referred to him as a ‘boy’ and that giant of a man is clearly not a boy.

The best scenario you could come up with was that he was an escaped prisoner, he hid in this camp and set traps for the cops and the people who were trying to find him.

Maybe you should have looked into the history of the place before entering.

Later that very same evening, he ended up coming, he brought the usual food and even a blanket. He was kind, sure he was your kidnapper, but there was kindness in him.

A couple more days passed, or were they weeks? Who knew.

And you gathered your courage to ask him.

So, that morning when he came with your breakfast, before he left you tried.

“Can I go out? You can keep the chains on, I won’t try and flee, not with my ankle anyway but please? I need some fresh air! Just a little, even to the porch would be fine.”

He didn’t even stop, he left.

But he didn’t hurt you. So that was a something. At least it didn’t discourage you from trying again.

And trying you did. Every time he entered the small house, you asked, always with a small voice not to upset him.

He ignored you, for what felt like a week, he ignored you, then he stopped, looked at you before leaving.

You hoped your pleading was working.

And eventually, it did.

One evening he entered the cabin with a pair of cuffs and a chain. But before he did anything he held a knife to your throat, showing you what will happen if you try and run. And you understood. You gave him a nod as he changed the chains and you stood up.

You were walking slow, limping as you walked to the door, there was something so free-ing about this, even with those rusty cuffs around your wrists.

He took you on a walk like a person would with their dog. He let you stop at places and look around. You were looking at the trees, enjoying the wind as you watched the sun go down.

“My name is Y/N.” you said to him, “At least you should know, even if you don’t care.” You didn’t want to bore him with your life’s story, but giving him your name was your choice, even if he held the chains, even if he put the cuffs around your wrists, telling him your name was your choice.

And that little power was enough.

From that day on, you proved it to him that you wouldn’t try anything, so he took you out on walks more an more frequently, sometimes more than once.

And you were grateful.

Then he started to bring you into his cabin, or rather under, into a bunker he had set up. He was an absolute giant as he walked around in the small space.

Then, he kept you in his cabin, his were warmer for some reason, and you had to remind yourself, he was your kidnapper!

But then how could you be so comfortable around him?

He was anything but soft, he was anything but warm. But he was kind, at it looked like that was enough for you.

You two had dinners together, well it was more of you eating and him watching. Then, you started to tell him things, things you liked, places you have been to.

You needed someone you were able to talk to and he was the only person there.

So, you talked to him. Even if he never replied, talking meant getting off your chest, and you did. You walked around the place, but it reminded you more of a storage then a home. Chains, hooks, knives and weapons everywhere, he must really trust you for letting you walk around since you could be able to just get a weapon and hurt him to try and escape.

One evening you heard bells ringing. It immediately alerted him as he stood up, grabbed his machete and was out before you could even ask a single thing.

You assumed it meant someone broke into his property. Was he going to take another hostage?

You heard screams from above. Strangely you were more terrified of these new people then of your captor. At one point you even found yourself being worried about his safety!

You were insane.

As the people screamed, you stayed quiet, until you heard the hatch to the bunker open. You hid in one corner.

Then two people came down, a girl and a guy, the guy broke your chains. Your mind was racing, what was going on?

You couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t even speak but you saw their mouths move.

You never asked for them to save you, they didn’t have to save you! You were perfectly fine! How dare they!

You realized this when they were walking our out of the camp and you saw the broken entrance.

You stopped abruptly.

“What are you doing? We have to keep going or he will kill us!” whisper yelled the guy. But you didn’t move so the girl came over to you.

“Please lets just go before Jason finds us. He already killer our friends! We have to go!” she said.

Then you saw a wire. And you understood the bells from earlier. It was a system to alert him.

When you didn’t move they both grabbed your hands, started pulling you, you managed to kick the bell, hoping he would hear it.

You should be running and you know, away from here, from him, but then why did you want him to save you?

Although your mind screamed at you to run, you didn’t.

“JASON!” you started yelling, and as you did the girl was shocked, both let you go and the guy hit you.

“What are you doing? ARE YOU INSANE?!” he hit you again and you fell.


You closed your eyes as the guy raised his hand to hit you again. But the slap never came all you heard was a weird noise and her scream, but that was abruptly ended as well.

You opened your eyes and saw him, blood dripping from his machete, he stood above the two corpses.

You started shaking and crying.

“I-I” you weren’t even sure what you wanted to say. “Thank you.” But it came out more as a question.

He turned and looked at you as you stood up.

You rubbed your hands, dusted your clothes off before you turned around and started walking back to the camp. Jason dragged the two bodies as he followed you.

He wondered why were you so different from the others, you didn’t try to run, scream or even say no to him.

And now, you were walking back, willingly to the camp. Jason stopped, as his brain couldn’t comprehend what was going on.

You noticed this as you turned when you noticed he was no longer behind you.

“Are you coming?” you asked pointing at the camp.

After that day, he never put a chain or cuffs on you, ever. He let you roam the camp, even helped you set up a home. You chose to stay in the same cabin above his bunker.

You were happy. He was happy.


Just why?

Was it because he was the first person who showed you kindness?

Was it because you were finally the first person who was kind to him?

What was this?



You weren’t sure, he wasn’t sure.

But one thing you were both sure on, this was good. Comfortable, warm and good.

You both could live like this.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




Jason Voorhees x Reader

Summary:Jason finds out that you have a tattoo.

Jason never fully saw it. Ever.

He did see it whenever you moved and your clothes shifted in a way to show the ink off, just a little bit. But never fully.

He always stared at it, trying to figure out what it was exactly and if it meant anything.

Did you just get it because you thought it was cool? Or did it have a deeper meaning?

He longed to know.

He wanted to know everything about you. He loved you.

One particular day, when you decided to do some gardening, planting your new hydrangeas, watering everything, is when you noticed his eyes on you. More particularly on the part where your tattoo was.

“Oh, I guess I never showed this one to you!” you said.

It didn’t matter to him how big or small it was, colour or not, if it had a deep meaning or it was just simply something you liked, he would love it just like he loved you.

You’d often find him just caressing the ink, one time he even tried to wash it off, see if it was real, it made you laugh.

But to Jason, it was another part of you with he absolutely admired.

A/N: I decided to start a new “series” of sorts, where I’d write short stories about 200-300 words per short. I hope you enjoy them!

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​



Picture is not mine! Right goes to the owner!

Jason Voorhees x Reader

Words: 700

Request:Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly do a Jason Voorhees (2009 version) x wife reader where he loves to hear her sing so she does while laying on his chest and she sings him how to disappear by Lana Del Rey idk why but the lyrics “Cuts on his face cause he fought to hard I know he’s in over his head but I love that man like nobody can…” reminded me of him

Hearing you sing was something that calmed him down. It kept him grounded, and happy.

Your angelic voice gave him happiness.

Happiness was something Jason thought he didn’t deserve. Then, you came around.

Arriving to the cam with your friends, little did you know about their sick plans.

Your friends brought you there as bait, they wanted to see Voorhees, the legend. They planned on using you to lure him out, let him kill you so they could see him. But their plan turned on them. They wanted Jason to kill you, which never happened. Your friends told you to meet them by the lake at night, of course you went, you never really understood why did they leave you alone until later.

Jason was watching you from behind a tree, shocked to see such a beautiful and innocent being. He could never kill someone like that.

Instead, he overheard your friends’ conversation. Hearing their plan that they meant to set you up. This infuriated him as he killed all of them one by one, of course, you saw him kill, but you still didn’t run. When one of the girls was running, she turned to you and told you everything. Once you realized what was happening, your heart broke.

You thought they were your friends yet they wished you dead just so they could see a myth? And now, the myth killed them all.

You were hiding in a cabin, crying silently as you tried not to get caught. You were shaking in fear when you heard him approach, he was standing in front of you, soon he knelt down and looked at you.

You started crying. 

“Please.” you knew begging meant nothing to him. He will just kill you after all. So, you were more than shocked when his hand touched your cheeks, his fingers, coated in blood, smearing onto your cheeks.

Gosh, you were beautiful.

He was sure he didn’t deserve you. But having you around the camp, you brightened up his days.

And after your little wedding ceremony by the lake, he could call you his wife.

He loved you, hearing you sing softly as you worked around your home, made him the happiest man on Earth.

And lately, a specific song made his heart flutter a different way.

“Cuts on his face ‘cause he fought too hard

I know he’s in over his head

But I love that man like nobody can”

Every time you washed the clothes or cleaned the house, lately the same song all the time.

He liked it.

It made his heart flutter for some reason.

“He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again.”

Jason doesn’t know but you chose this song, as you loved it so much because it reminded you of him.

You loved him from the moment he saved you from your terrible friends.

“Jason?" you called from the kitchen, knowing he should be around somewhere. And surely enough you heard his heavy steps a few seconds later. "Could you please set the table? I’m almost done with dinner.”

As he started to set the table, he started hearing you humming the song again. Then you entered the room and you two started eating.

Those were the only times when Jason took his mask off, and you had to be honest with yourself, it took a long time for you to get used to him. But now, you found him rather handsome. You offered him a smile that warmed his entire body before you started eating. You talked about the things you wanted to do the upcoming week, some gardening and renovating.

Jason knew very well that this meant you’d sing more.

And he couldn’t wait.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​


