#javi g x femreader





Rated: T (one implication of sex)

Pairing: Javi Gutierrez/F!Wife Reader

Fandom:  The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Written for Writer Wednesday - the photo below was this week’s prompt.  

Thank you to @just-here-for-the-moment for her insight and encouragement. I owe you a ton, my friend!


As you stepped into the theater you noticed that it was virtually empty, save for a few couples interspersed in the auditorium.  The Palace was one of Javi’s favorite old movie houses, with its gilded decor and gorgeous murals. The fact that several Oscar-winning movies had premiered here solidified his love of the older building. Having been converted into a live venue several years ago it was a treat when they’d show classic movies, and your husband lived for it.  Upon the announcement that the old Hepburn and Grant movie would be showing, he’d asked you to book tickets immediately.  

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This was the cutest sweetest thing in the whole entire world and it perfectly captures Javi! ADORABLE
