#javi is a bit of a jerkface for a minute





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Part 1:You and Javi have been friends for years. When he comes back from Colombia in disgrace, you are more than happy to offer him the comfort he needs…and fall into bed with him. You’ve loved him most of your life, so you could never turn him away. Your actions have unintended consequences.

Part 2:You decide to tell Javi about the baby.

Part 3: Javier reacts to the news, and you make plans for the future.

Part 4:You hear back from Javier and find out the sex of the baby.

Part 4.5: Javi gets the ultrasound video.

Part 5: coming soon

Part 6: coming soon

Part 7:coming soon

I just binged this story and oooooo, boy. Javi is really having a transformation. I look forward to the next parts!!

Aww thank you! I really love this one. I’m about halfway done with the next part. Just need to motivate myself to work on it.
