#javi is so soft



Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Female reader

Word Count: 6,739

Rating:Language, drinking, hints of sex, feelings of inadequacy, Javi being charming AF *SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE*

Summary:You and Javi have decided to give ‘this’ a try - but what exactly does that mean? His coast-to-coast travels take him away from New York sometimes, but that doesn’t mean the overall distance between you grows. 

Instead, he only tries harder to show you that what he’s offering is real.  

Author’s note:

Sorry for the delay… this has been done for a while, but I’ve posted a few other things in the meantime. I truly hope that all of you enjoy this chapter, because the fun really starts here. 

Masterlist can be found here!


There were pictures of Javi from that weekend in Los Angeles all over the Internet. He’d gone to Chateau Marmont for a dinner on Friday night with Nic and his wife, the three of them laughing over their table as they caught up. He’d been spotted leaving the offices of his representation on Saturday afternoon, followed by a few fan pictures that had been snapped in The Grove’s movie theater lobby, Javi smiling broadly as he posed next to the people that had approached him. Javi’s Saturday ended at Craig’s, the man and two friends papped while waiting on the sidewalk for their cars to be brought back around. 

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