#jax teller x oc


Just wanted to share the chapterboards for Chapters 9 and 10 of Frontier of Anarchy! ✨

tbh I haven’t even started writing Chapter 8 (I shared the chapterboard for that one along with Chapter 7 in this post previously!) but making these chapterboards has been part of my efforts to stay inspired to continue with this story



Frontier of Anarchy Masterlist

Thanks again to those who have been following along the FoA journey!! Your support really means the world to me ♥️

Frontier of Anarchy – gif teasers

Continuing with this series of gif teaser thingies for Frontier of Anarchy ✨ Thanks again to the few lovely readers out there who have been following this story! I’m super grateful to have you on this journey

Aera and Will have the night of their lives, exploring NYC with no idea that a certain somebody might have just arrived…

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Frontier of Anarchy Masterlist

If this SoA / Triple Frontier fic idea catches your interest, just let me know and I’ll gladly add you to the taglist! ❤️

Frontier of Anarchy – gif teasers

Continuing with this series of gif teaser thingies for Frontier of Anarchy ✨ Thanks again to the few lovely readers out there who have been following this story! I’m super grateful to have you on this journey

Scenes of Aera and Jax happily in love on the night of the homecoming dance ‍❤️‍ (and possibly getting in each other’s pants ❤️‍)

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Frontier of Anarchy Masterlist

If this SoA / Triple Frontier fic idea catches your interest, just let me know and I’ll gladly add you to the taglist! ❤️


A/N: Gif is not mine, credits to the original owner. This is supposed to be a series but lets be honest, who knows when that will get done but other parts arein the works.

Pairing: Jax Teller x OC (Winston!sister)

Warnings: Swearing, smoking, violence, shaming, abuse.

Word Count:7.8k

Katrina Winston sat in her dorm in the clubhouse, admiring her extravagant birthday present to herself, a beautiful diamond ring. She felt silly, having bought it for herself, but with all the denim and tank top outfits she wore, she felt she needed something flashy.

“So which one of your boy toys gave you the ring?” Jax shouted as he kicked open the door. “I got a message saying you were flashing a new ring around to the crow eaters.” He waved his phone in the air for emphasis.

Putting her hand over her heart, she yelped loudly. “Jesus Christ Jax, a little warning next time. You scared me half to death.” Shaking her head and sticking her tongue out at him.

“Answer the fucking question, Trina.” Jax growled, stepping towards her slowly and grabbing her wrists harshly. 

“No one bought it for me, Jax-” she was cut off by Jax stepping onto her bed and leaning over her menacingly.

“Don’t fucking lie to me.” His hand  moved to wrap around her throat, squeezing tightly. “You’re sleeping around now aren’t you?” He spat in her ear. She could smell the whiskey on his breath as she scratched at his hands until they bled. “I know you’ve been spending time with Juice. You fucking my brothers, Trina? You decide that the life of a slut is better than the life of an old lady?”

“Jax-” she managed to choke out, smacking his hands furiously. He suddenly let go and moved off the bed. “What the hell is wrong with you, Jackson?” She rasped as she rubbed at her throat. Standing up and moving quickly across the room, away from him, watching  him flex his hands a few times, eyes closed.

Jax turned his head and looked at her sideways, a smile that was anything but kind spread across his face. “What’s wrong with me? Seriously, Trina?” He laughed a dark laugh, making Trina shy away further. He took a step forward, his jaw clenched so tightly that his words came out as a growl. “You probably fucked them all didn’t you?” Jax chuckled darkly. “You’re nothing but a crow eating whore now, huh?” He took another step towards her, “spreading your legs to whoever will take you for a ride.” Another step forward, Trina stepped back but ran into her dresser, causing her to look away from Jax. Big mistake. He took the brief distraction as a chance to move in and corner her against the wall and dresser. “Just can’t be without the leather can you, bitch.” He shoved her into the wall by her shoulders and she cried out and pushed forward, earning her another slam into the wall, her head bouncing harshly, and his arm pinned across her chest.

Trina’s lip was quivering and her breath was coming out in short puffs, Jax was standing close enough that her breath was blowing tufts of his hair. “Jax, I swear no one bought me the ring, I-” She was cut off again by his hand wrapping around her throat once more. “Jax-” she gripped his hand but it wasn’t helping, he was too strong. The tears were running down her face freely now and she sobbed, “Please.”

“That’s right, you beg, beg like the slut you are.” Jax spit out close to her face. Trina felt like passing out, Jax was too strong for her to take, she could feel the darkness creeping into her vision when in a last moment panic set in and she failed about, leaving a bloody scratch down Jax’s face to match his hand and she kicked her legs wildly until she felt a sudden rush of air entering her lungs. “Fucking whore!” Jax grunted as he dropped her and fell to the floor beside her. Her flailing had saved her.

“Jackson I don’t know what the fuck your problem is but had you just listened to me,” she pulled herself away from him, leaning her back on the edge of her bed, “I bought the ring myself.” Trina sniffled with an exasperated laugh. “It’s my fucking birthday and I bought myself a gift.” She pulled herself up and quickly ran out of the room, stopping short when she realized she had been in the dorms at the clubhouse. Thankfully no one seemed to be around, so she ran out the door and got into her car.

Jax laid on the dorm room floor, staring at the ceiling. All of his senses came back to him at once and he scrambled quickly to get to the bathroom. What have I done? He groaned before spilling the contents of his stomach into the toilet. Sitting on the cold bathroom floor, Jax put his head in his hands and he sobbed. He replayed the night in his head over and over, glad he was still in the bathroom because he heaved all night long. He loved Trina, and here he was, sick over the fact that he had put his hands on her, called her all of those things… because of a rumor that he heard from Ima? “Serves you right.” He whispered to himself.

It was two days later that Trina managed to pull herself out of her bed and into real clothes, though she had to wear a long sleeve and wear her hair down to cover the marks that Jackson had left on her. She sobbed as she got dressed in a tank top and pulled a SAMCRO hoodie over it, brushed her hair out and pulled on her shorts. Jackson. He had called her about 40 times since that night, and every call went unanswered, until now. She swiped her phone and put it up to her ear with shaking hands.

“Trina? Trina are you there?” Jax’s voice sounded softer but more frantic than the last time she heard it. Fucking whore! He had screamed at her, she closed her eyes as more tears fell and she sniffled. “Trina, I’m so fucking sorry.” His voice faltered and cracked. “Please can we meet up?”

Trina choked out a laugh, “Are you fucking kidding me Jackson?”

“T, please, we can meet wherever you want, please, please just let me explain.”

“I don’t want to hear your explanation, Jax.” She whimpered and closed her eyes. She loved him so much. “It’s done Jackson. It happened and now it’s over.”

“It’s not over baby,” he started but she cut him off.

“No. Don’t you ever fucking call me that again.” She ended the call and threw herself onto her couch and sobbed loudly. It felt like hours before she was able to stand up again. “Katrina Winston, you are not weak. Do not let that leather wearing asshole keep you from your family.” She said to herself in her living room mirror, wiping her tear stained face and faking a smile. Perfect. 

Gathering her purse and checking her reflection once more, she walked towards her car. Her phone rang constantly, with Jackson’s name showing up every time, and every time she ignored it. When it rang instantly after she hit ignore, she looked at the screen where her brother’s face popped onto the screen. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she smiled and answered the call.

“Hey Ope!” She greeted her big brother happily. Hearing the sigh of relief on the other end of the line, she realized she’d been tricked.

“Trina, baby, I need to see you.” Jax’s voice rushed out, probably for fear of her hanging up again. 

“I’ll be at the clubhouse in 20 minutes, Jackson.” And with that she hung up the phone. Taking another deep breath, she drove to Teller-Morrow and parked in her normal spot. Trina stared at the clubhouse, hearing the faint music thumping coming from inside. It was her birthday party. A few of the guys had been on a run on her actual birthday, including her brother, Opie and her dad, Piney, but everyone was back now and it was time to face the music. 

The second her door slammed closed, Jax was visible standing by the door, Opie, as usual, was by his side along with Tig and Chibs. Seeing his face for the first time in two days almost broke her, and seeing the soft red scabs going down his cheek made her knees weak. “There’s the birthday girl!” Her brother shouted as he scooped her up into a huge bear hug, but he set her down quick and gently when she hissed in pain. “Shit! I’m sorry Kat, are you alright? What happened?” Trina gave her brother a half hearted smile and playfully smacked him in the chest.

“It’s just you, ya big oaf, you squeezed too hard.” Shooting Jax a quick glance, she grinned at her brother who laughed loudly. 

“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe I miss your birthday!” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she bit back a wince. “Hey why don’t you come inside and we can finally get this thing started? Dad’s dying to see you.” He pulled her towards the door, but she stayed in place. 

“You guys go in, Jackson and I need to talk for a minute.” Trina leaned up and kissed her brother’s cheek and patted his chest. “I’ll be right in.” Chibs touched her back with a light smile and Tig leaned in to kiss her cheek as he passed. 

Once they were alone, she turned to face the man she loved more than anything. “Sit down Jackson.” She spat, and he obeyed instantly, planting himself onto the table behind him. He opened his mouth to speak and she held up her hand. “You don’t get to talk, alright? It’s my turn. You broke me, you know that? You shattered me into a million fucking pieces that night.” She furiously wiped a tear from her cheek. “I haven’t left my house since then because of the bruises you left on my body and on my soul.” Trina whispered and Jax let the tears fall from his eyes. “But I came here to tell you that I will not be the one to rat you out to the club.” He stared at her with his mouth agape. 

“You- you won’t?” He stood, taking a step towards her, a sob leaving his lips when she flinched back. “I’m so fucking sorry.” Jax spoke into the back of his hand as he covered his mouth, closing his eyes. “Please let me touch you, Trina, please.” He whimpered, reaching his hand out. “I swear I won’t hurt you.”

“That’s what I thought last time, too.” Trina whispered softly, taking another step back. “I can’t be with you right now, Jax.”

“Don’t say that, please.” His eyes got wide and he dropped to the ground in front of her. “Please, Trina.” He crawled towards her and she still stepped away.

“Jackson, no.” Closing her eyes and waved for him to stand up. “I- I need time.” When she opened her eyes, he was standing in front of her, careful not to touch her. “I can’t say this is forever, because goddammit Jax, I still fucking love you. No matter how much you hurt me the other night, I still fucking love you.” Trina choked out a laugh. “How fucking sad is that? You accuse me of cheating on you with the guys I’ve known all of my life, and here I am still wanting you to hug me and make me feel better." 

Jax leaned forward quickly, wanting to wrap her in a hug but she held up her hand and shook her head. "If we stay out here any longer, someone will come looking for me.” She chuckled dryly, wiping her face with her sleeves. “Right now it’s my birthday party and I don’t want this to happen today.” Huffing and running her fingers through her hair, she smacked Jax in the chest. “Now wipe your fucking face and lets go celebrate my birthday, without the club trying to kill you?” She started to walk towards the door, looking back to Jax once more. “I don’t want them to know this is over yet, I’m not ready for that. Just keep your distance and I’ll try to not flinch when you touch me.”

Jax wiped his face with the sleeve of his tee-shirt and nodded, rushing ahead to open the door for her. The clubhouse was packed full of members, even some from other charters, and they all shouted when they walked in. “Happy birthday to the SAMCRO Princess!” Trina gave a big smile, waving and blowing kisses to everyone as she walked through to the bar. “I was beginning to think that you two had ditched us here!” Half Sack grinned as he handed Trina a beer and poured Jax a shot. She smiled at him and shook her head.

“Like my dad would let me leave my own party.” She laughed lightly, biting her cheek when Jax draped his arm around her shoulders and leaned into her ear.

“I’m sorry, I know my touch makes your skin crawl right now, but you know we gotta keep up appearances if you don’t want them finding out.” Jax whispered and her hand flew to her mouth to cover the sob that tore out. Fucking whore. His voice, while gentler now, had brought back flashes and Trina stood up so quickly she dropped her beer. “Someone’s been pre gaming, eh princess?” Jax shouted to the crowd of club members who looked towards the sound of shattering glass, making them cheer loudly and Trina shrugged her shoulders with a grin. “Get her another, Sack.” Jax ordered and the prospect was quick to obey.

Trina grabbed the beer and walked away from Jax, searching for her brother and father and finding them in the corner of the large room. Opie was holding the waist of his wife, Lyla, and Piney was rolling a joint. “There’s my girl!” Piney shouted as she got closer, she grinned happily and ran over to her dad who stood to embrace his daughter. “Happy birthday Princess.” He grinned as he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry we missed it.” He frowned and sat back down, pushing out a crow eater out of a chair with his cane and offering the chair to Trina, who accepted it with a ‘sorry’ smile at the downed woman. 

“Don’t worry about it, daddy, you’re here now and that’s what matters.” She touched his hand and he grasped hers right back. “I’m just glad you guys made it back safe, you know I hate it when you go out there in your condition.” She admonished her father who threw his head back and laughed deeply.

“You know I’m invincible, kitten.” He laughed, coughing right after. Trina rolled her eyes and looked to her brother and his wife.

“Hey Kat, I missed you at breakfast as Gemma’s, what happened?” Lyla asked gently, reaching across the table and Trina grabbed her hand lightly. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah I just overslept, and I was worn out from the night before so I just veged out all day at home, I’m sorry I didn’t call.” Trina felt awful lying to her sister in law, because Lyla was her best friend and she knew that Lyla would know she wasn’t telling the truth. 

“Did the prince have the princess locked away in her tower all night?” Tig wandered towards the table and waggled his eyebrows, earning a punch in the shoulder from Opie.

“Bro thats my sister, let’s not.” Opie laughed and Tig rolled his eyes.

“Like you don’t know that Jax rails your sister every night?” Tig scoffed, waving his hand at them, he quickly closed his mouth when a hand connected with the back of his head.

“Shut your mouth, Tiggy. No one wants to hear you verbally drooling over Trina.” Jax grinned and high fives Opie across the table, and sat next to Trina, his hand on her thigh, she noted the red scratches on his hand had started to scab as well.

“Lyla, come dance with me!” Trina jumped up and grabbed the girl’s hand, dragging her out into the middle of the room. “Gimme something to dance to, Kip!” She shouted loudly and he gave her a thumbs up, turning the radio up louder. Within minutes the two girls were dancing and laughing loudly, other SAMCRO old ladies joining them. Soon the girls were sweating and laughing as they waved the women off and went to sit back down. Lyla took off her tee-shirt, leaving her in just a tank top as she relished in the air conditioning. 

“Come on Kat I can see you pouring sweat from here, take off that sweatshirt and enjoy the cool air!” Lyla laughed, reaching for Trina’s hoodie. Yelping when her hand was smacked away. “Kat? Are you alright?” Trina felt awful hearing the concern in Lyla’s voice.

“I’m sorry, I’m fine, honestly, just winded from all that dancing!” Trina laughed, plastering a big smile on her face. “I’m just gonna step out and get some fresh air, I’ll be right back.” As she stood up to leave, Jax stood quickly and she jumped away from him on instinct.

“What’s wrong with you today kitten? Is everything alright?” Piney stood, walking towards the two of them, stepping between her and Jax. 

“Everything is fine, daddy, don’t worry so much.” Trina joked but her face was scrunched in the way that Opie knew meant she was about to cry. “I’m just gonna go out for a smoke, I promise I’ll be right back in.” She patted his chest lovingly and turned on her heel and headed for the door. 

“Ope.” Piney shouted, watching his daughter walk out the door, nodding his head towards her.

Opie stood quickly, following his sister. “On it.” He waved back towards his dad.


When Opie opened the door and stepped away from the music, he heard it. His sister was crying and it instantly made the anger boil in his chest. “Kat?” His voice boomed and she jumped, turning towards him and wiping her eyes quickly.

Trina groaned loudly, “Jesus, you guys can never let me just have a minute can you?” She turned her back towards her brother and Opie heard her sniffling. “I’m fine, go tell dad I’m fine too.”

Opie walked up carefully towards his baby sister and touched her shoulder, the contact making her jump and then relax. “You aren’t fine, Kat.” He grabbed her shoulder tighter to spin her around but she cried out in pain. “Jesus, Katrina, what’s wrong?” Opie’s voice was frantic and it broke her resolve and she wrapped her arms around her brother and sobbed loudly. Opie wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head as she squeezed him and wailed loudly. “I need you to tell me what’s going on, Kat, please.” He begged her as he ran a soothing hand down her back. 

Pulling away from his embrace she wiped her face with her sleeves before pulling her left sleeve up to her elbow, showing her brother the handprint sized bruise on her wrist, but not meeting his eyes when he rushed forward to grab her hand. “What the fuck is this, Kat? Is this it?” Opies voice was shaking as much as his sister’s whole body was. Still looking at the ground, she shook her head slowly. “Come on, come inside.” His voice was hard and low, barely above a whisper.

Trina’s head shot up quickly, “Opie, please no.” Shaking her head fast, grabbing at his arm. “Please.”

“Kat, I need you to tell me the fucking truth here.” Opie growled, getting close to her and she closed her eyes again and shook her head.

“Please don’t ask me, Ope, please.” Trina opened her eyes wide and stared into her brother’s once soft eyes, now hard and piercing and it scared her. 

“Did Jax-” he stopped and shook his head, clenching his jaw and squeezing his eyes closed. “Did Jax do this?” When she said no words, but she broke down into tears again, Opie shouted, “FUCK!” He was quick to rush inside, Trina right behind him screaming for him to stop, pulling at his arms and dragging her feet.

“Ope, please just stop.” She pleaded, but Opie stormed through the door, Trina on his tail. He held his arm out behind him, trying to push her back.

“Shut off the fucking music, prospect.” Opie shouted and pointed a finger at him and the music died quickly, a room full of eyes on Opie, Trina pulling on his shirt from behind him. Opies eyes scanned the room, finding Jax sitting at the bar with a puzzled look on his face. When he saw Trina’s tear streaked face, the color drained from his face. “YOU!” Opie shouted, storming towards his best friend, getting close enough for one hard blow to the face, knocking the VP out of his barstool. “What the fuck did you do to my sister, huh?” He shouted at Jax, who scrambled backwards on the floor. Opie rushed for him once more, this time being held back by both Tig and Chibs, though he was still trying to push through. “Did you put your fucking hands on my sister Jax? Don’t fucking lie to me!" 

"You did what?” Gemma screeched from the other side of the room, Clay scooping his arm around her waist and pulling her close.

Jax glanced at Trina, though she refused to make eye contact. “So much for not ratting me out." 

Opie’s eyes got wide and he pushed his way through his brothers holding him back. "Did you fucking beat my sister and tell her not to say anything?” He raged loudly, spit flying from his mouth in anger.

“No!” Jax took a deep breath, pulled himself to his feet and moved to climb on top of the bar. “Trina, I know you tried, and I know it’s more than I deserve,” he spared her a pained look and she mouthed the words 'I’m sorry’ as he stood tall. “Two nights ago, I heard some rumors about Trina from an unreliable source, and instead of going to her like I should have, I got plastered.” Jax pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. “I said and did some things that I’m not proud of. Trina, darlin, can you join me up here.” When Opie grabbed at her sleeve, she pulled from his grasp and climbed up to stand beside Jax. “I’m so sorry, Trina. I hope one day you’ll forgive me.” He reached for her hand slowly, and in front of her family and the club, she interlaced her fingers with his, grimacing deeply.

“I know, Jackson.” Trina whispered nodding her head sadly, a tear sliding down her cheek. “But I don’t know if I can.”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Opie shouted, waving his hands in the air. Piney stood and stepped forward so he was beside his son. 

“Yeah, Kitten, what is going on?” Piney had only heard what Opie had said when he walked in, but if Jax Teller had put his hands wrongly on his daughter, he needed the facts.

Trina opened her mouth but no sound came out, she turned to look at Jax. “Katrina told me, just a few hours ago, that she didn’t want to rat me out to the club, so if it’s alright with you, Ope, Piney. I’d like to tell you what I’ve done, which is my biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my entire life.” He rubbed his thumb over the ugly purple bruise on Trina’s wrist. He had done that. Jax whimpered and used his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose as his shoulder shook slightly. 

“I was hammered, absolutely trashed and I came in here, blinded by my own rage, and started screaming at Trina about a ring.” He sniffled and wiped his eyes before continuing. “I called her horrible things. I accused her of horrible things.” His voice broke and Trina rubbed her fingers against Jaxs’ tightening her grip. “I grabbed her.” He sobbed loudly as he raised their connected hands to show the group the bruise.

Opie surged forward, Tig and Chibs at the ready, caught him and Piney held onto his shoulder. 

Jax threw his head back, sniffling and clearing his throat. “Trina, would you- would you please remove your sweatshirt?” His voice cracked and Trina shook her head softly, letting his hand go and he shuddered at the loss. “Please don’t make me do this.” She pleaded with her brother, but he shook his head. “Daddy, please.” Trina pleaded with her dad.

“Just do it and get it over with kitten, we’re all here for you.” Piney kissed his daughters hand.

“Before I do this, I need you guys to know a few things.” She cleared her throat, “I don’t exactly hate Jackson. I still love him more than anything in the world,” Trina looked to Jax and gave him a sad smile before looking to her brother and father. “Daddy, Ope, please don’t kill him.” Laughing sadly she wiped her eyes and nodded her head. “Here goes everything.” She whispered softly as she made eye contact with Jax and pulled the hem of her sweatshirt over her head. 

“Jesus christ.” Jax sobbed out, covering his mouth when he saw the dark purple and yellow bruises that covered her chest. Hand prints on either shoulder, a long nasty bruise from where he had pinned her with his forearm, and when she raised her head again and made eye contact with her brother, Chibs gasped when he saw the bruise that wrapped around the entire front of her neck. Jax fell to his knees on the bar and threw his head into his hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

More than a few of the other SAMCRO members jumped quickly towards the bar, and Jax didn’t move an inch. Hands were everywhere, pulling and pushing at him, knocking him to the floor. Juice didn’t hold back for a second, grabbing Jax by the arm and kicking wildly at any place he could reach. Trina screamed loudly, “Enough!” Everyone stopped and looked at her, “Ope, please just stop.” When Jax looked up, he was met with the barrel of Opie’s gun. “Opie!” She reached for him, grabbing his hand, but he kept it pointing at Jax. 

“Why? Give me one good reason I should end him right fucking here.” Opie seethed, spit flying from his clenched jaw. Making grabby hands at Tig, he gently lifted her off the bar and onto the floor where she stepped between her brother and Jackson. Opie simply moved his gun around her head, keeping it pointed at him.

“Let him do it, Trina.” Jax whispered, he looked up at her, seeing the damage he caused made him close his eyes as more tears fell. “I fucking deserve it." 

"No, Jackson. You deserved it two nights ago, but right now? You don’t.” Piney looked at the man with a grimace. “I can see that you feel the pain you inflicted on my little girl. I know you Jackson, I know you as well as I know my own kids.” Piney put his hand on Opies shoulder. “Put the gun away, son. Can’t you see it? Can you see the remorse?”

“I can see the fucking bruises around my sisters neck, those I can see.” Opie didn’t blink, his eyes staring holes into Jax. “You’re supposed to be my brother Jax. You’re supposed to be my best friend.” His face was red and Trina watched a tear run down his face as he demanded, “Look at what you did to her, Jackson. Look at what you did to Katrina.”

Jax lifted his head and made eye contact with Trina. Tears were flowing freely down her face, her shoulders shaking. “I’m- I’m so fucking sorry.” He reached for her and Opie moved closer, gun still pointed when Piney tugged at his shoulder. Trina grabbed his hand and pulled it towards her chest. “Trina-” he sobbed as she laid his hand softly on her long bruise, wincing slightly and Jax tried to pull his hand back, but she held it there.

“You did that, brother.” Opie whispered, lowering his gun. “You did that to her.”

“I know.” Jax sobbed, and the club members back away, giving the three of them space but still gawking and grumbling with anger. “I know, I did that.” He nodded his head, staring Trina in the eyes. “Trina I am so fucking sorry." 

"I know you are. That doesn’t change the fact that I can’t be with you right now, Jackson.” Her voice trailed off into a whisper and Jax gave a teary nod. “I can’t trust you." 

"I deserve that.” He mumbled, keeping his head down, Trina scoffed softly.

“You deserve so much more than that, Jax.” Trina gritted her teeth. “You were supposed to be the one who protected me, not the one I need protected from.” She reached forward and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. The look on his face made her suck in a breath, defeat; but she wasn’t done yet. “You called me slut. You called me whore. You called me a crow eater.” Opie lurched forward but Trina held her hand up and he stopped behind her. She leaned towards him, hand still on his chin. “You asked me if I was fucking Juice, since we’ve been spending so much time together?” Jax nodded his head slightly. “Juicey, come tell Jax what we’ve been doing behind his back.” Trina waved the man over, and he stood behind her, shoulder to shoulder with Opie, hatred visible on his face.

Juice glared down at Jax, leaning down beside Trina. “I’ve been teaching her to ride solo and helping her build a bike.” Jax closed his eyes tightly as more tears fell out. “It was a surprise for you, asshole.” Juice, the normally soft man, spit on the floor next to Jax, “Turns out you deserve nothing, you’re a piece of shit, and you don’t deserve that VP patch." 

Trina let go of Jax’s chin and stood up beside Juice and her brother. "Look at me Jackson.” Her voice wavered, but she stood tall. When Jax’s wet face turned up to look at her, she smacked him straight across the face, the sound echoing in the room. “I love you Jackson, but right now, I can’t even look at you. Thanks for ruining my birthday.” Spinning on her heel, she walked straight out the door and collapsed onto the table, breath coming out in strained puffs. She clutched her chest as she heaved, holding herself up with one hand on the table.

Lyla was quick to join her outside and ran to her side, immediately rubbing her back and making soft shushing sounds. “Stand up straight, Kat, take deep breaths.” Lyla instructed and Trina did as she was told but her breathing wasn’t evening out. “Look at me. In through your nose, out through your mouth.” Lyla gently laid her hands on her sister-in-laws shoulder and looked her straight in the eye. “Breath with me, Katrina.” Trina nodded and kept holding eye contact, copying Lyla’s breathing. “Good, that’s good. Let’s sit down, yeah?” Lyla nodded her head for her and led her towards the bench. 

Trina kept copying the breathing and sat down, closing her eyes. “What do I do now Lyla? Who am I without Jax?” She whispered, eyes squeezed tightly.

Lyla scoffed, running her fingers lightly through Trina’s hair. “You are Katrina fucking Winston. You are the baddest bitch in this whole place. You are the Princess of SAMCRO with or without Jax, you are exactly who you’ve always been, you just got lost is all.” Lyla smiled at the broken girl in front of her. “You are the best aunt to the kids, and you will be the first girl to ride with the boys.” Brushing some hair behind her ear, “you can be whoever you want to be, but I think that the you you are, is the best.”

“What would my family do without you, Lyla?” Trina smiled a real smile for the first time in days.

“Probably shrivel up and die.” Lyla shrugged her shoulders and opened her arms, “now come give me a hug and lets get back in there, we have a party to attend.” Trina smiled wide and leaned in to give her sister a hug. Lyla stood and extended her hand, “Come on." 

Trina reached forward and grabbed Lyla’s hand, standing and locking arms with her, walking towards the door. When she opened it, she saw Jax sitting in a chair, blood streaming from nose, but Opie was handing him a roll of paper towels. "I call that about even.” Opie nodded to the man who nodded slightly in return. “For now.” He glared at him, and Jax nodded again.

When Opie turned and saw Lyla and Trina with arms linked, his face softened. He wrapped his arms around both of them, kissing the top of Trina’s head. “I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t here, Kat. I’m so, so fucking sorry.” Trina wrapped her arms around her brother and squeezed him as tightly as she could. “This wouldn’t have happened if I was here.”

“Don’t be stupid Opie, had you not been on a run, you would have been home with Lyla.” She rolled her eyes, “There isn’t anything that anyone could have done.”

“I can see now that you fought back though.” Opie gave a sad smile to his sister. “I knew you wouldn’t take that shit lying down.”

Trina looked back at the chair that Jax was sitting in, she must have missed when they stripped him of his cut. Seeing him sitting there, bloodied and beaten made her heart clench. Knowing that they had taken his cut had made it worse. This club was all Jax had, he didn’t know anything else but the club and now he didn’t even have that. “Will they give it back to him?” Trina whispered so softly, Opie almost missed it.

“They will.” He nodded, looking back at the man he had called brother since he was old enough to talk. “He just needs time away from everyone. His face is just looking too punchable right now." 

"I think I need to go home, guys. I’m not in the mood to be pitied today.” Trina looked around the room, seeing the eyes of other members looking at her sadly. She watched Gemma wipe her eyes and walk towards her son. Holding her breath, Trina watched as the queen gently touched her son’s face, lifting it so their eyes met, and a loud crack followed her smacking her hand across his already bloodied face.

“Alright boys, time for Church.” Clay grunted, waving his hand at the group of shocked quiet men. One by one they filed into the room, Jax standing to follow when Clay landed a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Not you.” The large man growled out, pushing Jax down into the chair once more. His piercing gaze fell on Trina. “You, come.”

Trina looked to her brother who grasped her hand gently, pulling her into the room where all club decisions were made. Even though she grew up in this clubhouse, she had never been allowed inside that room while Church was happening, until now, and the thought terrified her. When she stepped past Jax, he still had tears freely falling down his face, eyes cast to the floor. Touching his shoulder lightly as she walked in and closed the door behind her. She felt awkward in the room, the eyes of the patched members boring holes into her, she knew they were looking at her bruises and she hated it.

The chair beside Clay sat empty, she knew it was Jax’s spot and no one dared to touch it. “Alright, so while normally we wouldn’t let the ladies in here, I think that Katrina has more than earned her right to be present so let’s get started.” He cleared his throat, reaching for his cigar and pulling out a large lighter. “Opie, Piney, Trina, you guys have the floor. What do we do about Jackson?" 

Opie was first to smack his fist on the table. "What do you mean, 'What do we do?’ I think I’ve pretty much shown what I wanted to do to him.” He looked to his sister and she reached her hand out to him. “He hurt my sister, Clay.” Opie rubbed his thumb over the bruise on her wrist. “He bruised her.”

“Can I say something?” Trina’s voice rasped out. Clay nodded his head towards her. “Jax fucked up, ok? No one knows that better than me.” She chuckled dryly, shifting from her right to left feet and back again. “But I don’t think he deserves to be de patched.” Opie spun his head towards her, but she held a finger up to stop his words. “I think this should be temporary.”

Tig leaned forward on the table and gaped at her. “After everything he did to you, you don’t think he deserves to meet Mr. Mayhem.” Trina shook her head quickly.

“Absolutely not!” She shouted, pushing between her father and brother to lean on the table. “You think that just because he beat up a woman that he should die? What a thought from you of all people Tiggy.” A few of the men chuckled, and Trina continued. “I’m serious, Jackson fucked up, but the only reason you aren’t all laughing and drinking with him right now is because it was me.” She locked eyes with Clay and he nodded again. “If it was Ima you would all laugh, hell it was Ima once and you all did laugh. So just because it was me, you want him crucified.” Standing tall, she crossed her arms over her chest, wincing slightly. “If I have a choice or a vote in this, I say make it a probation. A long probation, but that’s it. He stays here, he works to the bone like the Prospects do. Extra shifts at T.M, et cetera.”

Clay leaned forward and folded his hands together. “I agree.” He gave the girl a soft smile. “All for probation, say 'Aye’.” Clay raised his hand, Trina following his lead.

“Aye.” She was the first to respond.

Chibs gave her a look and reached for her, “Are ya sure about this, lass?”

“I am.”

Chibs nodded his head at her and raised his hand. “Aye.”

Tig shook his head and raised his hand, though he couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

Juice was next to reach over to her and touch her arm softly, he looked at her with a grin. “Aye.” Trina smiled at him and gripped her hand around his wrist. 

“Thank you.” She mouthed at him with a smile.

Opie looked at his dad, pleading with his eyes, but for what, Trina couldn’t put her finger on it. “Aye.” Piney grunted, rubbing his head roughly.

“Fuck it.” Opie breathed out. “Aye.” He dropped his head low, “but we better treat him as bad as we do the prospect." 

Happy, who had been shockingly silent through the whole scene, nodded his head with a smile that chilled Trina’s blood. "Oh I’ll make sure of that brother. Aye." 

Bobby looked at her with a proud smile and raised his hand, "Aye." 

Clay picked up the gavel and smacked it on the table. "The 'ayes’ have it. Probation it is.” A few of the men clapped and Clay waved his hand. “The second matter at hand. Juice says that he’s been teaching Trina how to ride?” He looked at Juice and waved his hand around the room. Juice stood up and cleared his throat. 

“For the last few months, Trina and I have been building her a bike from pieces she finds in the shop and online, and I wanted to give her the final piece today for her birthday.” He pulled a large box from under the table and Trina’s jaw dropped.

“Juicey, you didn’t!” She squealed happily, clapping her hands together. 

He nodded back enthusiastically, looking to Clay. “And I know you said you wanted to wait until you had a chance to talk to Clay but I took the opportunity to do it myself a few weeks ago with the final design you sent me.” Clay smiled brightly at the girl and leaned back.

“And I agreed, whole heartedly, but” The club president puffed his cigar a few times before clearing his throat. “Ladies are, I’m sorry Trina, not able to be patched in as SAMCRO.” Her shoulders fell slightly, looking confused at Juice who was still smiling. “Though that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t have a separate small charter add on.” Clay winked at her, pushing the box towards her. “Happy Birthday, Princess." 

Trina grinned, ripping the tape off the box quickly and digging through the packing peanuts, making her brother laugh as she tossed handfuls on him. Sucking in a breath as her hands touched the cool metal, pulling it out of the box, revealing to the room her black and green gas tank, complete with the Reaper’s scythe with an open winged crow standing atop it. "Oh Juicey, it’s more beautiful than I imagined.” She ran her fingers over her own specialized decal, hugging it to her chest. “Oh I love it so much.” She laid it gently in the box and walked to wrap herself around Juice, who held her close. “Thank you.”

“You’re so welcome, Trina.” Juice hugged the girl tight, proud that his idea brought her joy after everything she went through.

“I would like to propose that our own Princess, Katrina Winston, be the first and founding member of the Daughters of Mayhem MC. A branch of the Sons of Anarchy, for the precious daughters and loved old ladies.” Clay raised his eyebrows to the room. “All in favor?”

Trina covered her mouth and happy years flowed down her face as the room erupted in a resounding 'Aye’ followed by clapping and cheers. 

“It’s unanimous, the 'ayes’ have it.” Clay shouted over the cheers, banging his gavel a few times with a smile from ear to ear as Trina ran up to him and threw herself into his arms.

“Thank you so much Clay, you don’t know what this means to me.” Trina’s eyes glistened happily as he hugged her back. “You’ll help me right? I don’t know how to run a club." 

"I’ll help you with whatever you need, honey.” Clay kissed her cheek and raised her hand and the table erupted in cheer again.

“Daughters of Mayhem!” Trina laughed loudly, the men repeating her words, taking turns wrapping her in hugs.

“Church concluded!” Clay clapped, banging his gavel a dozen times on the table.


Two months later, Trina rode her black and green painted Harley into the lot at Teller-Morrow, parking it among those of her family, pulling her helmet off and shaking her hair knot out. Pulling her sunglasses off her tank top and sliding them onto her face, she made eye contact with Jax, who was scrubbing the floor of the garage. She raised her hand in a small wave and he nodded back.

“Kat! You’re late!” Opie shouted from across the parking lot. He stood in a beater and jeans, a tool belt wrapped around his waist. 

Trina waved a hand at him, walking over towards the small construction site they were adding in the yard. “I’m here now, what’s up?” Stopping beside her brother and looking at the small building attached to the club house, the new Daughters of Mayhem meeting room. 

Opie scrubbed a hand over his beard, “Where do you want the logo to go? Big? Small? In front? Side?” Putting his hands on head as he walked around the empty walls. “I think big on the side, like the Reaper is on the main building." 

Trina followed her brother around, sliding her glasses up her forehead. "I think you’re right, but not too big, I don’t wanna feel like it’s competing with the Reaper, you know?”

Opie nodded, kissed his sister’s cheek and patted her back. “I got you, sis.”

“I know you do, brother.” She smiled at him and walked towards the clubhouse. Clay waved at her from the door.

When she got close enough, Clay pulled her in for a hug. “We brought it to the table, and if you think it’s the right time, we thought you could give Jackson his cut back, let him join us in the charity ride.” Clay pointed to the soft leather cut that she loved so much. 

Touching her own, brand new soft leather cut, complete with her brand new patch, thinking of how it would have felt to be stripped of it. “I think I’m ready, but let me do this my way.” Clay nodded as she grabbed the cut gently, bringing it to her nose and inhaling the still barely there scent. 

“We leave in 20.” Clay patted her back and walked back to the dorms. Trina gently folded the cut, pushing it into her backpack before walking back outside. Back over towards the new building, Trina leaned into her brother. “We leave for the charity run in 20. Go get cleaned up.” Opie nodded, pulling his tool belt off and walking towards the club house. Trina pulled her pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and walked towards the shop.

“Hey T.” Jax gave her a small smile as he wiped his hands on a towel.“ You getting ready for the charity thing?" 

"Hey Jax.” She leaned on the wall. “Yeah we’re headed out soon.” Trina offered him a smile, which he took happily. “You miss it?”

Jax snorted, shaking his head. “More than anything.” He locked eyes with her. “Well, almost anything." 

Trina didn’t miss his meaning, but she didn’t respond to it. "You fucked up Jax, but,” she tossed her backpack at his feet and Jax looked at it curiously. “You’ve paid your debt.” She threw the cigarette into the lot and turned on her heel. Jax opened the bag and looked at her with his mouth hanging open.

“You coming or not?” She winked over her shoulder and Jax tore his cut out of the back and shrugged it on, looking more like himself than he had in months.

“Try and stop me.” He ran past her towards his bike, her jogging to keep up. Within ten minutes, the lot was filled with the deafening sound of 30 motorcycles roaring to life, Jax riding side by side with Trina, reaching his hand out to her, and she slapped it low, pushing it away.

“Try and keep up, VP.” Trina winked again, revving her engine loudly and Jax did the same.

