#jay baruchel was born in ottawa




I’m gonna ask the question I know a lot of us are thinking…

what are we gonna do if zephyr and nuffink aren’t named zephyr and nuffink in httyd: homecoming????

Yeah I was thinking about this too… I hope they’ll keep them. But considering that when I asked Dean about their ages, I´me pretty sure I said their names and he answer me immediately, like “Zephyr is 8 and Nuffink is 5”. He didn’t hesitate. So that means, for me, that it’s very clear in his mind. So why would they change them?

As for me, I’m more concerned about the French version, I think they’ll keep Zephyr but I’m really not sure about Nuffink…

I…I absolutely loathe the name Nuffink, I gotta be honest. Mad respect to Cressida Cowell but HICCUP DOESN’T SPEAK WITH AN ENGLISH OR SCOTTISH ACCENT IN THE MOVIES and “Nuffink” sounds hella weird in a standard Canadian accent. It’s gonna sound like Jay Baruchel reading the Peeves the Poltergeist bits from Harry Potter aloud.
