#jay son of jafar



Just a little Jaylos drabble that got stuck in my head. Hope you enjoy it


AO3 Link


Jay stifles a yawn, his body stretching involuntarily, as if trying to pull the sleep right out of it. His fists rest in the tangled lumps of brown hair by his head. He cranes his neck over them, trying to get a view of the body beside him, but the form is only blurry and soft through Jay’s still sleep-riddled eyes.


“You heard me,” Carlos grumbles again, shifting his body closer. His thigh is resting across Jay’s, his bare foot lodged between his legs. Jay grunts when Carlos wiggles his toes, brushing a little too close to his most sensitive areas.

“C,stop,” he whines, rolling himself away from the touch. But Carlos hooks his leg firmer, tugging Jay flat on his back.

“I said,” Carlos starts again, cupping Jay’s jaw and turning his face towards him. “I want pancakes.” 

Jay blinks up at his boyfriend, his eyes finally coming into focus. They cascade over a rumpled mess of white curls, sticking out every which way until they meet the darkening black roots framing Carlos’ face. The boy’s eyes are dark and gleaming, staring into Jay with a glint of mischief. And his soft pink lips betray the hint of a smile, thick with suggestion. 

Jay knows that look. He bites back a smile when Carlos cocks a brow at him. He’s teasing Jay, just a little. And it’s quite possible, as it’s happened many mornings before when Carlos gives him that look, that he might be willing to defer his demands if Jay is so willing to distract him from them.

Jay groans when Carlos skims his leg against his crotch again, and Carlos chuckles lightly at the sound. Jay shoots him a look out of the corner of his eye, his lips curling into a sly smile.

“Well I guess, if my baby wants pancakes…”

He leans over and wraps an arm around Carlos’ shoulders, throwing his body that same direction so he can flip on top and bracket Carlos easily between his forearms. Carlos gasps in surprise against Jay’s lips, and Jay grins triumphantly as he leans down and presses their foreheads together.

“…I wouldn’t want to keep you from that, then. Pancakes come first.”

Carlos narrows his eyes at Jay, as if contemplating his next move. He can feel Carlos tense underneath his fingers as his face brightens with a knowing smile.

“Exactly. Pancakes. With whipped cream, and sprinkles! And chocolate syrup. NOW, please. I’m starving.”

Jay fights down a chuckle. Carlos’ smug grin is too adorable. He swoops down for a taste, quickly sucking a plump bottom lip into his mouth before Carlos can even react and tugging it lightly. He’s rewarded with a quiet, breathy moan, which he happily swallows as he deepens their kiss. Carlos responds eagerly, arching off the bed and wrapping his arms tightly around Jay’s neck.

Jay happily lets the kisses continue, accepting Carlos’ eager lips, tongue and hands as he explores more and more with each passing second. He smiles against Carlos’ lips when with a strong tug he pulls Jay down completely, pressing them together tightly with hardly a breath between them. But it’s clear from Carlos’ whimpers and whines that he is still desperate for more, to which Jay happily obliges slotting himself snugly between Carlos’ legs when he starts to spread them eagerly. 

And Carlos immediately breaks into moans at the new position, his eyes slipping closed as his hips start to move faster, rutting insistently against Jay’s crotch. Jay just smiles and buries his head into the crook of Carlos’ neck. Truth be told, he loveswhen he gets to see Carlos like this. It’s rare that his boyfriend lets his desire overcome him, to forgo words for touch so wanton and shameless. Jay would let him do this forever, if he could.

But first…

He pulls away unexpectedly, propping himself up on his elbows so he’s fully lifted from Carlos’ grip. His boyfriend whimpers gently at the loss, his fingers reaching out blindly while his eyes are still closed. 

“So, you were saying,” Jay whispers, hovering just above Carlos’ lips. Carlos opens his eyes wide when Jay starts to speak, surprise completely overtaking his features.

“Pancakes, right?” 

Carlos blinks at him, still in shock. “Huh?”

“You said, there’s nothing you want more than pancakes, right?” 

Jay lets himself lean in closer, just brushing the tip of Carlos’ nose with his. He’s delighted when Carlos tips his head up for more, his eyes closing again as he lifts himself towards Jay.

“Now now,” Jay tuts, pushing a hand to Carlos’ chest to gently guide him back down on the bed. “We gotta get my hungry pup some pancakes. First things first, right?”

“Jayyyyy…” Carlos whines, his hips thrusting clumsily, searching out Jay. 

But Jay sits up then, breaking contact completely and resting his hands on his thighs. He shakes his head when Carlos attempts to pout.

“What’s the matter, C? I thought you’d be happy. I’m giving you what you want, aren’t I?”

Jay chuckles when Carlos only glares at him, and lets his smug grin grow wider.

“I mean, I thought you were pretty clear, so-ooh!”

Jay’s caught off guard when Carlos lunges up at him, grabbing at his shoulders and pulling him back down on top of him. Jay lands clumsily on his elbows with an oomph, his butt still arched high to avoid an uncomfortable crash of sharp hip bones.

“Get. Down. Here,” Carlos whines, tugging at Jay again. When Jay gives in and connects their bodies again, he’s rewarded with an adorable coo of contentment.

“What was that, C?” He barely whispers, nuzzling his face into the soft curls at the junction of Carlos’ neck. He lets his hands run gently up and down the boy’s sides beneath him and revels in the happy sigh he gets in return.

“I wouldn’t exactly call this pancakes, would you?” he chuckles, grinning wildly when Carlos pulls back to glare at him. “I know I’m sweet, but I’m not made of sprinkles and whipped cream, C.”

He gives Carlos a soft peck on the lips. “Maybe chocolate syrup though. I mean, Mal hasasked me if I’m made of chocolate, since you always seem to want a taste.”

He busts out laughing when Carlos swats his shoulder. He steals another kiss then, playfully licking at his lips when they break apart.

“Mmmm, see? I think Mal’s right. You can’t get enough of me.”

“Seriously??” Carlos sneers. “You kissed measshole!”

Jay snickers as he dodges another slap, grabbing Carlos’ bicep mid-swing and pinning it to the bed along with his other arm. His smile stretches triumphantly as he hovers over him, meeting Carlos’ glare and the hidden lilt of a smirk on his lips.

“That may be true, but it doesn’t make me wrong, does it?”

Carlos answers him with silence, his lips pressed in a tight line and his eyes never leaving Jay’s. After a few wordless moments, Jay lets his grip loosen, sliding his hands down Carlos’ arms as he moves to sit upright again.

“Well I guess if you want those pancakes instead, we better-”

He grunts when a hand wraps around his waist, tugging him down and rolling him over. Carlos above him now, smiling gleefully in between quick pecks to his lips.

“Just. Shut. UP. Will you?” Carlos pleads. He strokes one hand lightly through Jay’s hair, stopping to tangle it through his fingers. He tugs Jay up slowly through his grip, pressing him into a deep kiss.

“Does that mean I win?” Jay asks, breathless when they part. He rests his forehead against Carlos’, silently enjoying his warm breath against him and the softness of his toothy grin.

“Fine, you win,” Carlos relents. But his smile only grows wider, and Jay can’t resist going in for another kiss. Their teeth clack together harshly and Carlos is giggling into Jay’s mouth, but it still feels…perfect. 

“Pancakes can wait.”
