
Taken from: Fratmen Sucks! - Jayden and Vincent

Taken from:Fratmen Sucks! - Jayden and Vincent

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“Guess who’s under the mistletoe~”
“Caden, you shmuck, it’s only the second.”

Look, after eight years, she can be giggly with her husband, ok. Let them have this. #lionsandclovers

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Jayden - ph: Sean Cody

Jayden - ph: Sean Cody

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 Jayden - ph: Sean Cody

Jayden - ph: Sean Cody

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Here’s how I see it happening.

Forever Red Part II: Red Samurai Ranger vs. Red Super Megaforce Ranger

- After the fallout of Hexagon, Jason Lee Scott trudged forward. He’s assured that the Tommy Oliver in their universe won’t become Drakken but the fact that he got visions of Drakken and used the powers of Drakken to fight Ivan Ooze has him worried.

- They’ve gathered info on both the rangers the government made and the rangers off-world and never-before-seen on earth (through alternate dimensions or alien worlds). They’ve even reconnected with Ninjor and the Aquitar Rangers on top of contacting the Guardian of the Ninja Powers from another dimension, Dulcea. Now it’s time to find a way to take down Evil Tommy Oliver himself.

- Their first method was allowing their Tommy Oliver to get the Master Morpher. The second method was harnessing the power of Trey’s Gold Ranger powers among two other people, Billy and Jason, by splitting it in three. The third method was reviving the Omega Rangers. The fourth method was getting the powers of the Thunder Squadron and the Super Turbo Power Rangers. They even ended up harnessing even more powerful ninja powers that fused MMPR with the Ninjazords.  

- Now Jason has decided to open a Red Ranger tournament to see who’s the most powerful ranger. Tommy asks him why, they’d just win, but Jason replies that according to Billy, the MMPR Red Ranger and the Zeo Ranger I Red weren’t the most powerful rangers, as the tournament would show.

- They get into a free-for-all and the finalists are Jason, Tommy, Jayden, and Trey. In an upset, Jayden defeats Tommy’s Zeo Red and Trey defeats Jason’s MMPR Red and they end up in the finals to face each other: The strongest reds of them all.

- As a show of fair play, Trey doesn’t use the Legendary Powers and only uses Megaforce and Super Megaforce powers. Jayden thusly wins, but is disatisfied with the win because he knows Super Megaforce Red could do much better than that.

- Meanwhile, in the background, Jason asked Billy and Ninjor if it was possible for him to fuse the Gold Ranger and Red Ranger powers like Lord Drakken did with the Green Ranger and White Ranger powers. Ninjor says it’d be better to make a separate set of powers and Billy says it’s dangerous since the Gold Ranger powers already almost killed Jason before.

- Billy feels like Jason is making a deal with the devil by combining power sets so Jason hesitates doing this. They then receive a call. Drakken has returned.



one of my fave doodles today in aggie… u-u
