#jelani maraj









Mmm to all you muthafuckas accusing Nicki of supporting her brothers actions owe her a fucking apology!!! Using that against her and everything.


Aye where’s that person that was all emotional and popping off at the mouth a Nicki ?

people love to slander but don’t know how to reverse their damage and own up to being shitty people… le fucks sake. RESEARCH AND READ MY PEOPLE!

YES. I WAS SO HEART BROKEN @enterintoeuphoria@thedrugofqueens

yikes….a lot of the people being super critical at first were csa survivors themselves so this whole reply thread above me is gross I doubt y'all care about survivors at all

right like….y'all are so fucking corny. we had reason to believe that she did do that and y'all really wanna be like “haha told you so xD” I hope y'all die soon.

Y'all don’t give a FUCK about rape/CSA survivors. These comments are so gross and ignoring the fact that it’s not so much about Nicki being “slandered”, it’s this participation in rape culture where celebrity feelings are put above the fucking fact that a CHILD WAS RAPED. AND THERE COULD BE MORE.

All you give a shit about is clearing Nicki’s name; who, for the record is still antisemitic, and has pro-rape and transphobic lyrics regardless!!

If all y'all care about is proving survivors wrong then your priorities are skewed and I hope you stay the fuck away from survivors, children especially.

And, her mom is still a rape sympathizer but y'all don’t care about that either.

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yourshipsaregross:hungry-hobbits:noflexzoneremix:theslayprint:theslayprint:Welp! Can y'allyourshipsaregross:hungry-hobbits:noflexzoneremix:theslayprint:theslayprint:Welp! Can y'all






Welp! Can y'all reblog this.




Wait, so Nicki had nothing to do with the bail?

Oh my god, I cannot believe someone would lie just to make her look bad! 

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Ok, I’m seeing a lot of Barbs on Twitter defending Nicki Minaj and her bailing her brother out… and I’m struggling trying to comprehend WHY!

If you didn’t already know Jelani Maraj, Nicki’s brother, used Nicki’s name to lure a 12 year old girl into his truck, drove her around the corner and raped her. The girl was thankfully able to get away and call the cops only for Jelani to drive away and pass a surveillance camera. She was treated at Queens General Hospital. The girl was immediately able to ID Jelani, and as well as evidence from the SUV, license plate, etc. Jelani was arrested and charged. He was also posted for 100k bail.

and heres what’s fucked up: Nicki actually payed for his bail! Nicki identifies as a feminist and has actively spoken about women’s rights and issues so I’m having trouble understanding how she can think this is okay. AND Yes, I know this doesn’t mean that the charges are gonna be dropped and he’s gonna get away with rape, but currently at the moment he isn’t in a jail cell, he isn’t in legal custody, he’s literally chillin awaiting trial. AND since we are talking about Trials, Nicki is very much so capable of providing him with the best lawyers in the country, seeing that she’s been supportive of him enough to post bail, and those lawyers could very well minimize his sentencing or by some miracle help him get away with this. But let’s for a moment think about the girl who was actually raped. She’s going to sleep tonight knowing that her rapist is free. Her parents are going to sleep tonight knowing that their daughter’s rapist is free. The 12 year old girl is probably going through severe trauma and anxiety right now. but what’s really awful is the fact that she was obviously a Nicki fan, enough of a fan to get in the car with a stranger because he was Nicki’s brother, so imagine how she feels to know that the person responsible for making her rapist free is her very own idol. So I’m fed up with people trying to defend either of the two, I’m tired of barbs trying to make her seem like she can do no wrong, because this whole thing is seriously fucked up and I’m gonna be real fucking pissed if it all gets swapped underneath the rug. 
