
simplyreiartblog: Hehehe more fan art of some of my favs simplyreiartblog: Hehehe more fan art of some of my favs


Hehehe more fan art of some of my favs

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back to my appmon rewatch and i somehow forgot offmon and jellymon share a voice….its so funny to compare sweet introverted offmon to gremlin that will rob you and buy things with your credit card jellymon

Looks like Kiyoshiro (and Jellymon) facing off against a Toropiamon (and Ultimate) and KoDokugumon apparently solo. Potentially the episode Jellymon reaches Ultimate too?

She just like, “I got caught that easily?” 

She just like, “I got caught that easily?” 

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Jellymon: how long are you gonna study it?! I want to get out already.


Guess who finished before the next episode came out!!!! Ruli and Jellymon would really be our there like “hi demons” and Kyoshiro would just have to suffer

My insta/twitter: @ zombiecare_rot

Ep doodles:1,2,3,4&5,6


Episode 4 & 5 doodles DONE!!! told myself that I couldn’t watch the new episode till I finished these~ also thought it was pumpkinmon all this time, not pumpmon

Will have doodles for the new episode out sometime this week~

My insta/twitter: @ zombiecare_rot

ep doodles: 1,2,3,4&5,6


lit up some Teslajellymon shots


Thetismon appeared in the anime this week and uh….can you tell I have a new favorite? I just really like this whole evo line.
